Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Since there is an odd number of you, one of you won’t be fighting today,” says Four, stepping away from the board in the training room.

I looked over and immediately noticed that Tris name had nothing next to it and that Christina is against a girl named Molly. I’m not that worried about them, with the training I gave them last night they should be able to beat the other initiates.

“This isn’t good,” I overheard Christina say to Tris. “I’m up against the Tank.” she said 

“The Tank?” Tris asked confused.

“Yeah, Peter’s slightly more feminine-looking minion,” she says, nodding toward the cluster of people on the other side of the room. Molly is tall like Christina, but that’s where the similarities end. She has broad shoulders, bronze skin, and a bulbous nose.

“Those three.” Christina said, pointing to Peter, Drew, and Molly, “have been inseparable since they crawled out of the womb, practically. I hate them.”

Will and Al stand across from each other in the arena. They put their hands up by their faces to protect themselves, as Four and I taught them, and shuffled in a circle around each other. Al is half a foot taller than Will, and twice as broad. As I stare at both of them I know instantly who would win this fight, if it was fought fairly.

“What’s wrong with them?” Tris wondered out loud.

I look at them confused. I wonder what they are talking about.

“Peter is pure evil. When we were kids, he would pick fights with people from other factions and then, when an adult came to break it up, he’d cry and make up some story about how the other kid started it. And of course, they believed him, because we were Candor and we couldn’t lie. Ha ha.”

I scowled, “Well I guess I get to avenge that mistake when it's my turn to fight.”

They turn to the board and see my name right his and grin sadistically.

Christina wrinkles her nose and adds, “Drew is just his sidekick. I doubt he has an independent thought in his brain. And Molly…she’s the kind of person who fries ants with a magnifying glass just to watch them flail around.”

“Well, then I guess you'll use those moves I taught you yesterday to get vengeance.” I whispered in Christina's ear, making her grin wickedly.

In the arena, Al punches Will hard in the jaw. I wince. Across the room, Eric smirks at Al, and turns one of the rings in his eyebrow.

Will stumbles to the side, one hand pressed to his face, and blocks Al’s next punch with his free hand. Judging by his grimace, blocking the punch is as painful as a blow would have been. Al is slow, but powerful.

Peter, Drew, and Molly cast furtive looks in Tris and Christina's direction and then pull their heads together, whispering.

“I think they know we’re talking about them,”

“So? They already know I hate them.”

“They do? How?”

Christina fakes a smile at them and waves. Tris looks down cheeks warm.

Will hooks a foot around one of Al’s legs and yanks back, knocking Al to the ground. Al scrambles to his feet.

“Because I’ve told them,” she says, through the gritted teeth of her smile. Her teeth are straight on top and crooked on the bottom. She looks at her. “We try to be pretty honest about our feelings in Candor. Plenty of people have told me that they don’t like me. And plenty of people haven’t. Who cares?”

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