Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

WARNING!! There is inappropriate content at the end of the chapter, you have been warned

I opened my eyes slightly when I heard footprints walk towards my direction. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, coiling my muscles getting ready to pounce.

I tensed visabely and shot up when I heard Peter get out a red spray can was trying to paint all over Tris. I shot up faster than a bullet and pulled him back silently trying to not wake anyone up. I tried to jerk the can away from Tris but he still managed to spill paint all over the bed. 

I dragged Peter out into the hallway silently and shut the door behind us.

“Did i do something to you that I’m unaware of?”I tensed slightly when I suddenly heard Tris speak out of nowhere, but I didn't let it show and managed to get the avengers over Peter.

I forced him to his knees and grabbed his hair forcing bhim to look at Tris.

“I don't know if you noticed, but we're in the same faction now.”

“I don’t know what you’re referring to,” he sneered. “And you and I will never be in the same faction.”

I growled and shoved him forward and sprayed the red paint all over his hair.

I pushed Peter onto the floor and marched away into the Hallway. On the way out I noticed Al come and help her out. I smile slightly and continue my walk out.

On the way out I bump into Four on  my way to the training room and just chat with him a bit. We joked around a bit until people started to walk into the training room.

I look at the chalkboard and notice that Tris didn’t have to fight yesterday, but she did today and she had to fight Peter. I stared angrily at the board.

I couldn't believe it. I bet that it was Eric.

“Oh no,” Chrisina says, shuffling into the room. Her face is bruised, and she looks like she is trying not to limp. When she sees the board, she crumples the muffin wrapper she is holding into her fist.

“Are they serious? They’re really going to make you fight him?”

“Maybe you can just take a few hits and pretend to go unconscious,” suggests Al. “No one would blame you.”

“Yeah,” she mumbles. “Maybe.”

I looked at Tris for a moment and noticed that she was spacing out and kept shifting her weight nervously. I put a calming hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

“I believe in you, remember all of the moves I taught you. You can beat that cocky son-of-a-bitch Peter, and remember, exploit his weakness.”

She looks at me nervously and walks towards the center of the arena. I nodded at her in encouragement.

“You okay there, Stiff?” Peter mocks. “You look like you’re about to cry. I might go easy on you if you cry.

I saw Tris look at his hair for a moment then burst out laughing making his whole face turn as red as his hair.

“Y-you match.” she giggled, making me shake my head slightly while smirking along with Four in amusement.

She suddenly cleared her face of emotion, well…mostly. Then she leapt up and did a 360 kick in the air nailig Peter in the side. He stumbled sideways as she landed smiling proudly. Peter growled and got to a defensive stance and she did the same. Her stance was different. He had his hands up ready to protect his face, his elbows bent and knees bent like he was ready to attack at any moment, while her stance was wider and more open. She was bouncing on the balls of her feet ready to move quickly in a moment's notice. Her hands were cupped and ready to divert any attacks and to protect herself if needed. Overall she was relaxed and ready to spring forward any moment.

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