Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Once we arrived in Fours room he sat me down gently on his bed and looked at me with concern. He got up and locked his door and walked towards me and hesitantly hugged me. When I returned his embrace he held me tighter.

I allowed myself to cry on his shoulder. Four, this magnificent mortal, would protect me. He’s like my big brother and with him here, he would keep me safe. I knew that If I could trust anyone at this moment Four would be one of the first people I would go to.

After a few minutes, he left to go to the bathroom and turned on the water.

When he left I looked at the wall feeling numb.

After everything, a stupid mortal was able to break my spirits more than any god ever could.

When I saw him come back he was looking at me with concern and pity.

I looked away from him, I didn't want pity, I didn't deserve it.

He grabbed my arm and led me to the bathroom after I undressed. He held my hand and lowered me into the warm water.

He helped me clean up. I ended up watching myself three times, just so I was sure that the feeling of his hands wondering my body was no longer there.

Four helped get out of the bathroom and dressed. He gave m some new clothe and sat me back down on the bed.

“It's ok Percy,” he said while rubbing soothing circles on my back. “It'll be alright. I'll get him back.”

“I'm sorry,” I whispered. “I'm so broken, useless, weak, a-and a co-”

“Hey!” he said sharply cutting me off. “You are not broken, useless, weak nor a coward. You are the strongest person that I know. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.” Four said sternly.


“No! You are the strongest person that I know, physically and mentally. I need you. Triss needs. Hell, your friends need you. If you are not brave, then I dont know what brave is. Not just anyone would willingly jump down a building not knowing what lies at the bottom. That takes guts and bravery.”

“...But I'm scared Four. What if–”

“Noone ever said that being brave and strong means that you aren't allowed to be scared. Being brave just means that you have the courage to rise above it, even when you’re afraid. Are you gonna continue being scared or are you gonna do something about it and show Eric that he can't hurt you, no matter what he does? Are you with me?”

“...Yes,” I said confidently.

I won't let the lowly likes of Eric put me down, he will have to do better than that to get me down.

Suddenly there was a loud pounding on the door starting both me and Four.

Four was startled so badly that he slipped off of the bed slipping off the bed and fell onto the floor. 

We both looked at each other for a second and burst out laughing. Both of our reactions were hilarious and the laughter quickly vaporized all of the tension in the room.

I watch with glee as Four pulls himself off of the floor and heads to the door.

He opens it and watches as his face instantly turns into a scowl, alerting me to who was at the door, Eric.

I watch as he unlocks the door and yanks it open letting Eric faceplant onto the floor. 

While Eric was struggling ta get off the floor, Four glared at him with enough venom that it would make any snake jealous.

“Why are you here?”

“I wasn't finished punishing him yet,” I growled at his statement making him look at me with wide eyes.

Punishing? Dont you mean attempting to rape an initiative who already has PTSD as a punishment? You’ll be lucky If I don't get my revenge on you right this very minute, but I will be telling the Dauntless leaders about this.”

“They won't believe you.”

“I’ll make them and there is a higher probability that they would believe me since you did that in front of all of the initiatives.

Eric glared at me like it was my fault that he decided that trying to humiliate me was my idea. I glared at him daring him to do anything making him freeze, like one of Medusa's victims.

Once I stopped glaring at him he fell to the floor and ran away, leaving me and Four all alone.

When he ran away a tear slid down my face. Four wiped away all of my tears and led me back to the bed.

He gave me a hug and all of my walls crumbled. I told Four everything, and I mean everything…well, I didn’t tell him about the gods or my demigod's life, but I told him everything else.

I was abused, bullied, and tortured. I was abused by my stepfather, whenever my mom was away. She had to work a lot since she had to care for me and Gabe. Every day after school Gabe would bet me with everything and anything that he could. It only stopped happening after he died.

And the times that he didn't beat me I was picked on and bullied at school. I used to be made fun of because i was different. I did bad in school because of my ADHD and dyslexia and no one here helped me with it so I had to struggle through and try to help myself, but i never really got anywhere.

Because of me being bullied, they would often follow me home and beat me along the way, so every time I got home late i was punished by Gabe. On top of everything that I was put through at school, it was worse at home, but sometimes more tolerable I rarely saw my mom because she was always at work and when I did see her, it was for only a short period of time.

Eventually, when everything became peaceful and Gabe was no longer in the picture, she got married to an amazing man, and everything was perfect. It didn’t last long, because shortly after that there was a fire and they were killed.

I was brung to the Factionless and I was tortured by someone named Geaa and Polybotes. They thought it was funny and tried to torture me wherever they had the chance. It was horrible ad Polybotes was the man who trapped me, he was all clad in black that night that he took my innocence and I have never been the same since.”

“My life isn’t perfect, I don’t see why everyone always assumes that because i had a nice mom, my life was all sunshine and rainbows.

I continued to pour my heart and soul out to Four, telling all that I could. I cried while he held me in his arms. The comfortable and safe feeling of being held pulled me to sleep.

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