chapter 5.

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  Feeling so weak under his power Peter takes a seat on the ground stroking my hair softly.  Rain falls from the sky still washing the blood from his face drenching us both.  "I dont want you to leave me my love I cannot let you for you are staying here with me" he sighs in relief.  "Please just me go" I plead with tears forming.  "No can do sweets your staying here" he talks smoothly "I dont wanna be here please Peter" i start begging him again.  Hoping he would change his mind but it was no use "im not gonna be nice when i say this love but you. Are. Staying. Here and that is final" he voice becomes low and rumbly. 

  Raising my hand to the air he stops me really fast using my heart to control me.  "Put your hand down love" he orders I grit my teeth tight together roughly pulling away from his grasp and run off out of sight.  "Rememeber this love i am the one you need nobody cant compare to me in better than any man alive I am everything you need!!" He shouts from afar.  Trees whipped past as the wind was kicking up at such speed howling loudly with thunder and lightening crashing across the dark sky.  Up ahead was the cliff from where felix and i last escaped.  Taking in a deep breath sprint over there not caring what will happen next but it was the only way to get away from him. 

  "Y/n!!! No!!" Someone faintly yells. (Warning this is a trigger for anyone who is suicidal be aware).  Time was running slower as i get closer to the edge praying for the end to get me but it was only a matter of time until a pair of strong arms snatched me away from the edge.  Pulling me backwards as i flail and cry screaming my lungs out "y/n relax relax its me james look at me!!" His voice cracks.  "Let me go please!!!" He holds me to the ground rufio comes running from the woods pulling him off me to have me standing up this time. 

  "I cant wait this long i want off this island right now!!" I start crying.  "How do you think we feel y/n were trying to get you off this island Devin is dead pan killed him and if we dont leave were all gonna die on this island" chuckling could be heard from the darkness of the trees.  "How sweet of you guys to gather at a time like this y/n come here now" peter point to the ground infront of him smirking.  "N-no..i don't wanna" he tilts his head stepping forward a tiny bit sending me to step back to the edge.  "Now my love i wont hurt you i promise" his cheeky grins grows "No way you killed Devin" "you dont get it do you my darling he deserved the proper punishment" "by killing him!?! What is wrong with you!!" I shout at him.  "Dont talk to me like that please im in love with you and i will do anything to have you love me" "then let me go!!" I cry some more backing away from him standing at the edge his eyes flick down then back up slightly widening "y/n darling back away from the edge please". 

  "No" "y/n I'm not playing around right now get away from the edge" stepping closer to the edge one foot nearly slips as i gasp clutching my chest lightly.  Rufio and james go to grab my arm so i wpuldnt fall but failed I looked behind me and closed my eyes shut jumping backwards one of them shout out to me.  "Y/n!!!" Their screaming grew faint in the rain and waves mixing together as my body collides with the water sinking further and further hoping it would end.  An echo of a voice rings in the water "upon one summer's morning I carefully did stray down by the wall of wapping i met a sailer gay" her tune was so soothing.  I look to see a blonde mermaid swimming towards me slowly she floats infront of me looking deep into my eyes.  Gently cupping her palms on my face pulling me closer singing her tune letting everything around me become fuzzy as the air bubbles start to escape. 

  "Y/n...reach for my hand!!!" Someone's muffled voice rings through the surface the blond mermaid looks up and looks back down to me going deeper and deeper.   Holding me close to her chest swimming at such speed letting the water ripple through my h/l (hair length) other female voices could be heard from the surface. 


(Time skip)

  Oxygen fills my lungs as i somehow start coughing up water rolling to the side heaving in a coughing fit.  "Your finally awake now we heard your name is y/n right?" A woman's voice echoed.  Weakly looking up sat the same blond mermaid from before looking at me in curiosity "why did you save me...." I breath heavily.  "Because your in need of help from the others in story Brooke Felix has been worried about you" "how can he still be looking for me i dont understand" she comes closer resting her palm on my cheek "but I think one of us should take you to the queen...she'll bring you back to story Brooke". 

  The wind slightly changes from calm to a bit more rougher "y/n thank goodness your okay I was just looking for you darling" "stay away from me!!". 

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