chapter 18.

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Four weeks have passed since the return to story Brooke. It was also a safety procedure to move to another place in town. Sitting up in the queen size bed I stretch out my arms yawning a bit before standing up on the hardwood floor walking out of the room down the wooden stairs into the kitchen. Someone knocks at the door "LET ME GET MY DAMN CUP OF COFFEE" I shout out loud. A few seconds of silence until the knocking comes up more and more repeatedly. Stomping over to the door i growl pulling it open to see that it was only james and rufio with a grin on their face. "Why are you- how did you guys even find this house" "we ran into a certain someone in town we talked" "let me guess jerkwad Peter pan?" They look at each other in sync. "Yeah it was him he's been watching you and Felix for awhile but hes been taking new lost boys" "where is the bastard ima kill him" they block my path.

"You guys are on his side now??!!?" They look at me in question "what are you talking about sides we've been on his side for a long time" I quickly run over to the house phone grabbing it and dial up felix's number. It rings a few times someone's arms wrap around my torso pulling me closer and sit down on a stool at the island in the kitchen. "You can call him all you want love im sure by now he's busy at work" I scream loudly making him flinch quickly covering my mouth tightly. "Stop right now im not here to hurt you love in fact i came for a talk" he lets go. "H-how many of their are you?" "Oh i should say about hmmm 12 of us and only one of you darling i told you I would come back sooner or later and rufio and james here are under my control again because peter pan never fails". He chuckles standing up and starts to drag me to the back door that was wide open. "How the hell did you get in here let go!!" I thrash in his grasp as he tightens it walking outside new faces and familiar faces surround us both. Hollering and whistling in excitement "theyve been dying to see you my love".

Walking over to a bear by tree he pins me by his magic as he steps back. "Stay the hell away from me you sick bastard of a devil!!" He laughs changing his expression to solid glare once more. "Y/n You surprise me everytime so tell me.....why is it you enjoy having sex with Felix than you did with me at first he took your virginity before me....i dont understand" my face heats up. "Y-youve been watching!!?!" "You can say that but I been sneaking into the house night when your both asleep stroking your soft face every night for the past few weeks darling you look so peaceful and beautiful" he blushes walking closer. I flinch a bit as his hand softly touches my neck running towards the chest. "I find you very attractive when your naked" he whispers very quietly in the left ear sending so much shivers spiking through. He muffles my screaming inhaling the rose scented smell off my neck shakily breathing gasping a tiny bit pressing his hardened member against my clothed womanhood.

In the distance was Felix savagely pulling into the driveway grabbing a gun. Getting out and points it to the air shooting startling the other lost boys except Peter who turns his head slowly looking at him. "Your precious hero has came to save you honey but he wont win against me" "shoot him babe!! Please shoot him" i cry out. He covers my mouth snatching me off the tree and holds me as hostage. "Get away from y/n pan shes mine im not giving her to you at all" he calls up someone. Aiming the gun still peter laughs lowly "felix my friend....we both know you wont shoot me you are my trusted most loyal friend still".  "Get away from her now...." Peter throws me to the side scoffing at him.  He stood over my body folding his arms with a serious look now "its obvious isnt it i never give up thought you shouldve remembered by now-" he gasps as the bullet was sent into his shoulder he falls over to the ground grunting.  He looks up at me with a look of confusion mixed in anger grabbing a hold of the robe and pulls upwards gritting his teeth. 

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