chapter 39.

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  No this cant be happening to me!, Peter unbuckles the seatbelt and pulls my body up into his chest as he wraps his muscular arms around my shoulders.  Slapping him multiple times didnt seem to phase him "you monster let go of me!!!!" I weep uncontrollably.  Peter rests his chin atop my head "why damnit!!! Just why" is all i could say. 

  "Because I love you too much to let you go".  "Well i dont want you" "your hurting my love i can feel it" he states he gently pulls my body out of the vehicle.  We stand in silence only it was midnight already "you can be mad at me all you want y/n but it doesnt change the same thing from our love being separated into two halfs we are married to each other and we are expecting a baby"  he softly cups my cheeks in his hands.  Sniffling a tiny bit i shake my head at his response. 

  "But i dont want to be on Neverland... I want to enjoy life here with my friends and family" "did you forget what your family is doing love-" "im not falling for that sick trick again hiyaah!!!" He falls to the ground in pain holding his nuts again from my foot colliding with it.  Groaning under his breath peter looks up with a small tear falling.  "I deserved that greatly" he responds weakly standing up to his feet. 

  "You know you could have just punched me sqaure in the j- ow" he hisses in pain as i socked him the nose.  "Point taken ouch you are much stronger the last time..." He rubs his nose slightly.  "If you dont leave me the fuck alone so help me I will beat the living fuck out of you Peter pan" he quickly backs up.  "There's no need for violence- hey watch it!!" He ducks as i swing my arm around to attack him.  Even though i shouldn't be fighting while pregnant with baby pheonix.  "Leave me alone!!!!" I cry in anger as he kept dodging my hits.  "Look look look alright im sorry i got you pregnant- woah!!!" His face collides with my fist as i put my fists up again ready to use uppercut.  "Ok thats it!!!" He immediately appears behind my body and wraps his arms around both wrists having them pinned close to my chest.  "Tryna talk but your being violent to me love i dont like it now stop" "no" "please dont make me use magic on you to calm down" I continue to struggle in his grasp.  He sighs reaching into his pocket taking out the powder from last time "last chance my love either settle down or have me do it the hardway" "release me you sick fuck!!".

  He puts it close to my face and tosses it in the air using his magic to make wind.  Coughing a tiny bit of the magic powder my eyelids were feeling very heavy.  i couldnt talk one bit unconsciousness was taking over and then sleep took control.


  Warm sunray greets me as i flutter my eyes open to see that i was in my car again but something felt off.  Looking down the baby was still there inside sighing in relief i go to sit up only to be retrained "what the.." Movement catches my attention eyes widening heart beat rising.  There standing in the doorway of the vehicle was peter himself.  "No please no I don't want to go back I-" "theres no other choice love your going- hey where are you going!?" I quickly slip out of the backseat.  And start running taking my phone out dialing up donnas number. 

After a few rings she picks up "what!?" "Hes after me!!" "Who!?!?" As i was about to speak up my phone is suddenly snatched out of my hand.  Peter floats out of reach "my love were you going to try and run from me again?" He tilts the phone to the side. 

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