chapter 10.

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"You dont understand babe he has my heart in his hand i cant leave it!!" Regina walks up to us in worry. Taking a few deep breaths I turn back around and start walking then it becomes a run as i sprint up the hill passing trees. "Babe what are you doing thats not safe run away!!" Felix shouts holding his stomach still. Peter grins at me as i walk towards him looking at the heart in his hand. "Stop right now darling or i will do it" he points the knife at my heart. I bite my cheek inside stopping before him he chuckles lightly stepping forward placing the knife in his belt wrapping one arm around my waist. Reaching for the heart he pulls it away extending his arm out of reach clenching it a bit i flinch grasping at my chest slightly. He smirks pulling me closer to his chest "your mine darling i will do whatever it takes".

Thunder and lightning crash across the sky again Regina and the others watch in disbelief.


(Time skip)

It was dark out I stayed away from Peter who kept trying to get my attention. "Sweetheart please talk to me you have been quiet for quite some time" I didn't turn to face him instead i face the woods. Letting a tear fall slowly his arms wrapped themselves around my waist resting his head on my shoulder. "Are you mad at me" he mumbles. I give him a hard shove as he stumbles backward crashing into objects. I glare down at him in pure hatred he stands up popping his back. Walking up to my figure he pulls me into a strong hold letting my body thrash wildly. "Please just let me go i dont wanna be here no more!!!" I scream in pain as my fist come in contact with his chest as he held me close by rubbing my back gently.

"Y/n love everything that you need okay?" "No.." "No?" He pulls back in shock. "Your not everything i need.." I sternly look up at him and dive my open palm into his chest. He grips my wrist pulling it out grunting in the process. "Give it back to me" "never love its mine your mine our love is mine everything is mine" I snatch my hand holding the heart away from him. He firmly grips my forearms pulling them closer to him staring deeply into my soul.

"Perhaps sometime in the cage or Pandora box will do" he sternly speaks. Flicking his wrist a green mist appears with a box having a red jewel on the top. Moving his hand over it the air around me started to become so powerful as the heart in my hand disappears into his instead.

Red smoke was pulling me in as my screams echoed in the room full of terror

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Red smoke was pulling me in as my screams echoed in the room full of terror. I catch a last glimpse of Peter pan before everything turns dark and cold.


(Several week time skip)

Felix pov:

Its been several weeks after we were sent back to story Brooke without y/n I felt like ive failed her on so many ways. I curl up in a ball softly crying becase she wasnt here with me i just wanted her back. The curtains lightly blew as it was midnight already. Crickets were chirping as i walk the streets heading to the park where I was with y/n watching the swing lightly sway. Taking a seat on it I sigh resting my arms on both knees rocking my feet back and forth feeling sad and cold almost empty without her there to be my light in the dark.

Looking up at the sky i caught a glimpse of pan flying over head that sick bastard. He sees me and smirks coming for a landing smiling his usual sheepish Grin. "What do you want sick prick" i glare at him "What I dont get a 'hey how you've been' old friend?" He lightly punches my shoulder i fall silent. Looking away from his face "are you still mad that i beat you up in neverland??" He leans closer getting on my nerves already. "I want her back you bastard!" I landed a hit on his face and back away from him heading back to the same apartment where y/n and i still lived. "Ok...i guess i had that one coming but if you want her back Felix lets just make a deal" he hands his palm out to shake. "As if im making a deal with you after what youve done I can't forgive you!!" I shout at him and walk off across the street he follows quickly. I start running heading to the entrance of the apartment slamming the door behind me and walk up the stairs down the narrow hallway.

Opening the apartment door quickly i step inside heaving sobbing breaths holding my scalp in my hands slowly falling to my knees curling into a ball crying once more. I just want her back i want my girlfriend back from him. "Man gotta say you kept this place cleaned last i seen it...very impressive oh i forgot to tell you about the news of y/n...her and I will be getting married on neverland tomorrow morning but you wont mind me doing the honor" he chuckles watching me lay down sobbing and screaming in pain. "Just give her back to me please!!!!" I scream as my throat cracks becoming hoarse. Pan tilts his head slightly raising a brow "you must have a meaning to her Felix I wonder what it is-" I snatch him off the ground by the collar with pure rage in my eyes. He raises his hands up "give her back..." "Is that a threat?" "It will be if you dont give her back because one of these days i will kill you ". I growl in venom.

"Ooh youve got fire i like fire" he smirks.

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