chapter 65

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As they left the appartment Miles noticed that Gwen still had a huge smile on her face he then turned round and asked her.
"Whats got you in such a great mood?"
Gwen replied
"Well we're taking another big step in our lives ain't we looking for our own place ain't we?"
Miles then nodded and smiled a little S it came to much his life changed in such a short time. After a 20 minute walk they arrived at a little Italian restaurant which had been recommended by his parents and when they walked in it felt like they had just been transported to Italy. After being greated and sat down they looked at the menus Miles took a look for 2 minutes then put the menu down which suprised Gwen. She looked up and asked him
"How did you decide so quick?"
Miles laughed and responded
"I always have a go to for a main which I know every Italian has its mainly the appetisers I look at so it doesn't take me long"
Gwen smiled back before saying well "I've decided as well"
As she put her menu down a waiter was instantly over and got there orders surprisingly they both ordered the same starter of mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce. They both ordered pizza Miles got pepperoni which Gwen got chicken. After they had there starters and waiting for there pizzas Miles asked Gwen
"So Gwen, what did you think of the appartment would you like to live there?"
Gwen looked directly at Miles when she started to frown
"Can I be honest Miles I didn't like it"
Miles' face just dropped as he replied back
"You didn't?"
Gwen replied back again
"No Miles (then she smiled and got a little excitement in her voice) I didn't like it becuase I loved it and it's perfect!"
Miles face went into a massive smile as there pizzas then arrived and just before they ate them they each picked up a slice and made them touch as Miles said
"To our 1st place"
Gwen laughed which caused Miles to laugh back after they finished there pizzas they paid and made there way to the cinema to watch their movie.
3 hrs later
As Miles and Gwen walked out of the movie Miles asked her
"So did you enjoy the movie?"
She replied
"Yeah I did however I thought the plot was a little to basic I mean 
going through a multiverse and seeing different versions of people he knew I mean how original (at that moment Miles laughed causing Gwen to laugh) but the action scenes were amazing. What about you Miles did you like it?"
Miles responded back
"Yeah I really enjoyed it one of the best movies I've ever seen however what I didn't enjoy was the cost of our snacks if I knew there were that much I would of just turned invisible and took them"
At that point Gwen laughed so loud that people started to stare at her which embarrassed her a little but she shrugged it off. As they were walking back to there current home gwen said to Miles
"I really enjoyed this afternoon Miles having some time for just us don't get me wrong I've missed Aaron but we still need to have some time for ourselves."
Miles kissed her before he replied
"I couldn't agree more Gwen how about we sat we do something like this once a month but only one day its not fair on my parents or Aaron".
Gwen nodded agreeing to having a day to themselves once a month.

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