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Lila POV

I spent two days packing my things. Rather I spent two days cleaning and clearing all the things that reminded him.

I only pack the things I originally have when we are together. The things that he bought me are still untouched and I keep it where I put it. I don't want to take everything he gives me. I rather be without them than being called a gold digger to him which he already did. But still, I don't want to keep it.

I took all the pictures in the albums and the videos we had, especially at our wedding. I made a bonfire in the backyard and burned everything there. Even the pictures of us hanging on the frame I took them too and burned it.

You may think that I have hard feelings in this break up. Yes I am! It really hurts that someone you love just let go of you easily like that. What happened to the promises we both made? Is it all lies?

Sometimes I wonder if he ever loves me. If he did, then he wouldn't even think of me this low. For the years we were together, his parents never once approved our relationship. They thought that I am after his money and fame only.

But I swallowed everything his parents said about me since they didn't know the real me. And I believe that it's not them that matters to our relationship. As long as Blake loves me then I will hold on to that promise. I guess I might have thought wrong.

When I burned the pictures, I looked at each one of them and recalled the memories that we had in the past.

My most memorable one is when we went to Santorini Greece to have our honeymoon. I have been wanting to go there but I hold myself back because I don't want to spend too much money for leisure.

As I gathered my clothes and about to put them inside my luggage. I stopped in my tracks when I heard my phone ring. I grabbed my phone that was sitting on the edge of the bed.

I frowned when I looked at the caller. It's Evan Thompson calling me. I ended the call as I can't think of the reasons why he called me. I don't want anything that is connected to Blake anymore. As much as possible I want to steer away from anything that is connected or related to him. I don't want to be called names or want to add more whatever he thinks of me.

Just as I put down my phone. It rings again and it's still Evan that is calling me. Confused and doubtful, I chose to answer the call this time. Maybe he did have a valid reason to call me.

Just as I hit the answer button and before I can greet Evan. I heard a familiar voice calling me sweetly.

"Sweetheart! It's me Blake. Where are you?" Blake and I looked at my phone once again if I just mistaken it.

It's really Evan that is calling me but Blake's voice is in the other line. What's going on? I said only through my mind.

"Sweetheart? Are you there? Please answer me?"

"Hello?" I said more in the question. What kind of drama is this guy trying to do now?

"Oh!" He said in relief. "Sweetheart! It's me! Are you home?"

"Huh?" I said I was still confused.

"Are you at home??" He asked me once again. I am so confused and puzzled. What happened to him? Why did he suddenly call and call me sweetheart again? Did this guy loosen a screw on his head? What's got into him now?

"Yes?" I answered the question again.

"Thank God! I am coming home! We will talk ok? I have so many things to clarify and I want to say sorry for all the hurtful words I said. I am sorry sweetheart!" He said and I didn't bother to respond to him.

"Sweetheart are you there?" He asked me and I can sense panic in his voice now. " Evan hurry up! I want to go home fastly. I want to be with my wife!" I heard him talking to Evan who I assumed was driving a car with him.

"I am driving ok? Don't make me do overtakes cause I don't want to die tonight. I have a wife and daughter waiting for me to come home!" Evan answered him.

"Then why did you stop me from driving my car? Stop the car and I will drop you! I want to drive fastly. I want to be with my wife soon. I miss her so bad!"

"Now you miss her?" Evan said with a click sound of his tongue.

"Sweetheart please talk to me?" Blake is talking to me on the phone again and I don't know if I answered or not.

"I need to hang up now!" I said then I could hear his panicked voice again.

"No…..! Please don't hang up? Please, I want to hear your voice. Please talk to me! If you're angry tell me.. Please just stay on the line! While I am far from home, don't worry I will be there as soon as possible! I miss you sweetheart!" He said to me and I shook my head.

Instead answering him again. I went to my clothes and put my clothes on the luggage this time. I arrange it carefully so I can squeeze them all together as I only have a small one.

"Sweetheart! Talk to me please!" He said more on begging now. "Please I am begging you please talk to me! You can do anything to me when I get there. I know you are angry at me. Punch me, kick me or do anything. Please just stay there. Please, I want to be with you! I can't lose you sweetheart please!" He said and I heard him tearing.

"I need to hang up now Blake! I still have things to do!" I said as I closed the zipper of my bag it earned a zip sound.

"What's that sound?" He asked me.

"What sound?" I answered acting like I don't know what he means.

"The one you did a while ago!"

"Ahhh that! I am zipping my bag!" I answered him confused. What's with him and why is asking for my bag?

"What's in the bag?"


"What's in the bag? Why are you zipping it?" He asked me in panic again..

I don't want to drga this even further and j decided to end the call without saying anything to him.

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