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Lila POV

I am shaking beyond my rage as I can't stop this nonsense dinner that is actually happening now. I am so mad that I want to punch two faces today, one, my dear sister Luna and the second my ex-husband who agreed to this mess.

My phone dings, and I looked into the message, Blake said that he's already outside. I just pray that this dinner will turn out good. Because my family is kinda weird if you noticed? 🤭🤭

Aside from this dinner, when I came home today my mom broke bad news for me. Urg one after the other. Should I say?

When my mom said that she needed to talk to me in her office. I thought I was only about Blake but it's not.

"Good noon Mom? Something wrong?" I asked her as I took a seat across from her.

"Well, I don't know how to break this news to you. But the council wants me to!"

"What do they want this time?" I said.

"They argued about you having a child without a husband. So, they said so many things like you need to have a husband now, and blah blah… you know those formalities because you came from royalty and you need to be set as an example!" I think my head is spinning all of a sudden.

These people need to get on with their own life. What do they think of us royalty? Do they expect us to be perfect? My goodness! I don't know but it's one of the reasons why I hated being one.


"They want you to marry someone!"

"Then tell them I don't have any guy for that matter! How can I get married when I don't have a groom?" I answered.

"Well that's the problem!" I raise my brows as I look at her confused.

"What Mom?"

"Remember Jack Fronton?"

"Yeah, they're the guy who's obsessed over me when I was younger? Yeah I absolutely remember him. I can never forget how stupid that guy is!" I answered her.

"Yeah, actually he came from a royal family right? So when he heard about you being a single mom. He proposed to the council an intention to marry you" My mom said.

I groaned inwardly why can't I have a peaceful life?

I know the council already has hots on me because I came home pregnant without a father. But to the extent of considering this kind of offer to that psycho guy?

Jack Fronton has always been obsessed with me. Since we were young, we went to the same school. He always follows me everywhere, giving me gifts which at first I find sweet and amusing but later his gift came in extravagantly which I hesitated to accept.

I told him to stop giving me anything. But he never listens at all. He even asked me on a date. Goodness till this day my sister Luna never stops talking about how obsessed that guy is to me.

Just when we were in high school he told me he would marry me which made me feel weird. I don't like the way he smiled at me. So, I distance myself from him since then. I thought maybe if I did it, he would stop.

But after high school he openly said to me that sooner we will be together. So in order for me to avoid him I came up with a plan to study in another country and to be free too from the rules and regulations of palace life.

And now I thought I am over this guy and now he appears again giving me a headache. I shook my head, closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"My goodness, I thought he was over from me Mom! How did he know about me being a single mom?" I asked my mom.

"Who knows, but you need to solve this. The council is dead serious about marrying you to that guy!"

"Urg! I would rather live alone with my daughter than have that guy as my husband Mom!" I whined at her.

She smiled at me and said.

"Well, it's up to you! If you have a boyfriend now then it's the right time to make it official!" She said and I shook my head.

"No! I don't have one!"

"Ok, then find one" She said, giving me a pointed look. "But if Luna's said the other day is true, then maybe you don't need to look for one. You already have one that's in your beck and call right?"

"Urg! No way! I won't consider my ex-husband mom. No… no…!" I said, shaking my head vigorously.

"Sis, your handsome visitor is already here!" A voice which obviously from that teasing tone is my younger sister Luna.

"Coming!" I said as I smoothed my dress and looked at the mirror once again.

When I got down, I saw my daughter clinging to her father like a koala bear. She's almost three years old but the way her dad carries her she is still like a baby.

"MoMA!" My daughter Amari saw me approaching them.

Blake's eyes instantly landed on me and I blushed as his eyes linger on my bare legs. Jeez, this guy really knows how to make a girl blush.

"My goodness brother in-law stop eye raping my sister!" Luna emerges and I silently want to kill my own sister. She really knows when to embarrass me.

"I can't help it. She's very pretty and sexy!" Of course teh idiotic guy can't read my mood. I throw him a icy glare, making him shut his mouth.

"Sis, you're such a bully!"

"Huh?" I asked innocently.

"Don't you dare pretend. I saw you looking at him!"

"What's wrong looking at him?" I aksd her.

"Nothing, but you shut him up before he could say anything else!"

"Shut up Luna!"

"Ohhh, this is my brother-in-law huh?" My sister Laura said as she finally grace her presence on the room.

"Hmmmm… I see that our visitor has already arrived?" My mom gracefully emerged in the room too. I don't know why but I am feeling kind of different. I don't know if it's the problem that my mom said a while ago or the fact that Blake is sitting casually in the palace.

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