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Lila POV


Twelve years later…

"Mom, can you please stop this two idiots for ruining my life?" My daughter Amari barged into our kitchen.

I am in the middle of preparing for the dinner. And here's my children barging like a hurricane.

"We are not ruining your life, we are just trying to protect you!" My son Trevor answered his sister protest.

"Not ruining? Protecting? What kind of protection are you talking about? It's the contrary I am feeling right now!" My daughter answered back.

"That's because you are too blinded by those fake facade of that guy!" My other son Connor said while entering the kitchen. He kissed me on my cheeks and I raised my brows on the three of them.

"Wait? Wait? What's the meaning of this? Before you start answering. Where's your father?" I said as I raised my voice.

"Oh sweetheart, it's been how many years we been together but still you always missing me. I am here sweetheart!" My husband appeared on the kitchen door with a teasing tone and he even wink at me. I didn't miss the looks of my three children whose looking like they want to gag.

"Dad , Mom can you please stop flirting at each other?"

"When did they ever stop? Dad is so hopeless in love to mom!" Trevor said while fetching a glass of milk on the fridge.

"Awww that's hurt guys! But I am guilty as charged for being too much in love of your mother. My goodness can't you blame me? Look at your mom she's the most beautiful and most sexy girl I ever seen in my entire life!" Blake siad and I giggles.

"Can you both stop acting like an hormonal teenager for once? I can't count how many times I caught you guys in an awkward position!" My daughter said and I laughed.

"That's just one time sweetheart!" I said while I can't stop laughing.

"You guys sure not having another baby? Because the looks of the two of like you want to eat each other face right now!" Connor said and I scuffed.

"No way!" Both Trevor and Amari said in protest.

"Guys we are not having a baby. Adding another child here will be more chaotic than it is right now. So yeah, no thank you!" I said smiling at my three children.

"Blake why are these three fighting for?"

"It's about a boy and of course I am with your brothers Ami!'

"Dad, you can't just agree with them without asking me what truly happened!" My daughter said,

"So what really happened?" I asked while I giving the three of them a pointed looked.

"Mom, Ami is just angry because of that stupid guy. She was being blinded by his fake facade Mom!"

"Fake? How do you know Jake is fake huh? Do you personally know him?"

"Now, you name basis now?" Connor asked while giving her a deadpan look.

"What are you talking about? Of course I will call him by his name. You should not say something like that. You both are the same , you are a football player too like him!"

"Don't group us with the likes of him!" Trevor said this time.

"Ok times up, times up! Tell me why are you against this guy called Jake, Trevor and Connor?" I asked my two boys.

"Mom, that guy is such a womanizer. He's been targeting a lot of girls.!"

"Yeah it's ok to us if he fucks whoever girl he wants to play but not our sister Mom. Over my dead body!" Connor said.

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