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Blake POV

"Mom, you're going to scare her!" I said as I can't help but to feel annoyed with my mom.

"Come on, you know she's far thinking something like that. That girl has a heart of gold!" Well I definitely agree with her.

It's been two week since the incident happened and we are back to normal again. When I said normal as in normal.

She agreed to give me another chance. After she passed out, I took her to the hospital. Once she woke up we talked about a lot of things. She said that she wants to start again with me.

I didn't know I could finally hear her say those words to me. I almost pinched myself if I am dreaming but I am not. She even agreed to come to New York again. She said she's missing the place so bad.

Of course I am beyond happy. I was in the cloud when she said that.

It's been one week since we are back in our house. Though the sleeping arrangements are kind of different. She didn't let me sleep with her. I mean she doesn't want things to go fast. So I agree with her. If that's what she wants then I am ok with it as long as both of them are here. I am content with that.

Both of them are staying in the guest room though I really want to stay beside them. Every night I am tempted to knock on their door and crawl beside them on their bed.

I miss my wife's scent and every time she walks past me or she's near me. I almost went crazy. How I wish I could kiss her and make love to her. It's just that I want to respect her decision for now.

But my mom keeps on pestering me about when I am going to announce to them about our marriage. They can't wait to change my daughter's into my family name. And also they want to have more grandchildren so they wanted me to make more.

I can't even go near her bed. How can I make more babies with my wife?

"Honey please when are you going to ask her to marry you?" My mom keeps on bugging me over my phone.

"Told you mom she wants to take things slow!x

"Slow? Are you an idiot? Do you want someone to steal your girlfriend from you?"

"Of course not!"

"So something!" She insisted and I can hear my dad chuckling on the line.

"Mom! I don't want to scare her. What if she ran away again?"

"She ran away because you hurt her. My goodness if she found someone. You will regret not taking action soon!"

"Fine! Ok? I will try to drop a hint on her!"

"Hint? What are you? A kind of movie? No, just ask her straight!" I can hear my dad laughing boomed on the other side.

"Mom, stop it!"

"I won't stop till you said, ok mom I will propose!"

"Mom, I even want to propose. If I had to choose, I would do it right now!"

"Then do it!"

"Fine! I'll do it! Don't worry Mom!"

"I just want to see you happy again honey. I know she's a bit hesitant to trust you again. But the fact that she agreed to stay here again means something!"

"Yeah, that's what I thought too Mom!"

Then out of the corner of the room I saw something moving. I looked at it closely and I saw Amari and Lila playing together.

I thought they were still sleeping from their nap time this afternoon.

"Mom got to go!"

"Ok bye honey! Love you! And please marry her quickly!" She said before cutting the lines.

"Hey, how are you, two beautiful girls!" I said, making my daughter's eyes look at me.

"Daddy!" She jumped on my arms and I quickly opened my arms to catch her.

She giggled when I peppered her kisses.

"Daddy, that is so ticklish!" She said,

She's like her mother, she's very ticklish.

"Sweetheart, how's your sleep?" I said as I casually kissed Lila on her cheeks.

I didn't miss the pink stain that formed in her cheeks when she looked at me.

"It's ok! I have a very nice sleep!" She answered.

"What do you want to eat? I can make something for the both of you!" I said as I asked her softly while my daughter looked at the two of us.

"It's ok I can do it!" She said, giving me a small smile.

"Come on, sweetheart! Let me do it!"

"But!...!" She whined

"It's ok, it's on me! I just pampered the both of you. Why don't you both wait on the couch while I make something to eat for the both of you!" I said as I transferred Amari into her arms.

"You don't eat?" She asked.

"Do you want me to?" I asked her

"Yes! You're cooking so you should eat too!"

"Here I thought you were concerned about me!" I said as I gave her a pouted look.

She walked to the living room but before she can fully leave the kitchen she looked at me.

"Of course, I am always concerned about you Blake, always be!" She said then didn't bother to look at me again.

I smiled triumphantly while I couldn't help but to glance at the two of them who were busy watching some kind of cartoon show on TV.

After I finished, I went to them.

"Hey here's the food for my two beautiful girls!" I said they both snapped their attention to me.

I smiled lovingly looking at them. It's a dream come true being here with them. Seeing them here in our house, lying comfortably. It is my biggest dream to have them here.

But of course, I want to legally be part of them. I am planning on asking her to marry me again. But I am waiting for the right timing. Because I want her to say yes this time.

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