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Thank you for reading!

I am happy that you chose my book.

Lila and Blake's story is a mirror to married life.

Marriage is not all about sweet words you can say to each other. Sometimes you make mistakes. But no matter what kind of mistake you are going to make, do not cheat on your partner.

Always remember that married or not you promise yourself to love one another then if something falls apart do not waver nor turn another direction.

In short, cheating is not an option it's a choice. So think twice before you act.


Thank you, thank you guys for reading. Hope you enjoy reading my book.

Next book will Xavier Jr. I know some of you waiting for this. Sorry it takes awhile for me to write for this book. Actually I haven't think of any story that will fit on Xavier Knight Jr.

After series of thinking and brainstorming myself I got an story that will melt your heart and laugh till you drop.

Whahahah.. 🤣😅😂.

Thanks again...



Not an update but I want to show you the next book I working on now. As what I said above I will do the story of Xavier Knight Jr, son of Xavier Knight and Emma, remember them? If you haven't read the story then please read.

For now I will drop the cover of the book.


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Not an update...

But I want to make this clear to all who are reading this book. Since some of you suggested in the comment section that the female character should not forgive the male character. I want to say this in advance. I can't do that. So I am sorry!

You are all aware. I mean if you went through all my books I think you can conclude that I am the type of writer that would like a happy ending. Call me hypocrite or not too realistic but I am telling you I am a very hopeless romantic person.

Maybe some of you would be mad at me. But this is a work of fiction. I intend to make it just like that.

But honestly speaking, if this kind of situation happens to me. I would say I won't forgive my husband. But we all know when we tend to love someone, we forgive but don't forget.

We allow them to be part of our lives again but the trust will not be the same anymore. But maybe on the latter the trust will come back again. Right?

Truthfully, it happens once to me. But I choose to forgive him since we have children and he swore and promised that it will not happen again. And I love him so much.

It was eighteen years ago. Here we are going strong and happy.

What am I telling you about this?

Because I want to say this. Do not let one mistake hinder or stop your happiness. There are some parts of our life that we need to bruise and fall apart. But what's more important is that we learned lessons from it.

I hope this works with you and you will understand how the story goes on later on.

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