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Blake POV

I can't help but to feel awe as I watched my wife walking down from her car then to the pathway. Everything about her is absolutely perfect. Her simple and natural looks always captivated and grabbed attention from anyone , especially the guys.

I throw a glare at a guy who's looking at my wife like he's undressing her. There's no way I will let someone look at her like that. I will die first to let those assholes do whatever they are doing.

"Hey sweetheart!" I greeted her as she walked in front of me. Of course I swing my arms on her shoulder but she avoided me of course. I rolled my eyes as I tried to catch her this time.

"Stop that!" She said as she swayed my arms off her.

"Just let it be, those fuckers keeps looking at you!" I said as I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

This time it was her rolling her eyes as she looked at me.

"Stop acting like that Blake!" She said to me,

"I can act like that! I don't let anyone fantasize about you while I am here. To hell with them, I am going to kill anyone who would do such a thing. It's my job to fantasize about my wife!" I said to her,

I swear I saw faint blushes creeping on her cheeks for a moment but she easily dismissed it.

"You are a pig!"

"Hahahaha… pig? Really sweetheart? Well I can show how pig I am for you! If you let me?" I said winking at her.

"Stop it!" She said as I moved my hands down to her back. I know she's ticklish down there.

"What?" I innocently looked at her.

"I swear Blake, I am going to sue you for sexual harassment!" She hissed as she held my hands to stop.

I let out a small laugh from her comment and she threw a glare at me.

"Sweetheart, I didn't do anything!" I said to her,

Instead of stopping me, I hold her hand and intertwine them.

"You really need to stop your shinegan moves on me, it won't work this time!"

"Nah, it worked last time. I am sure it will work this time too. I just need to level up for it!"

"Whatever!" She shrugged her shoulders at me.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you are today? You look like a princess, sweetheart! On second thought you already are a princess!" I said to her, smiling.

"Hahahaha funny!" She sarcastically commented at me.

I didn't notice that we were already in front of the door to my lawyer's office.  Being with her makes things easier, it's like I am floating on cloud nine.

"Do we really need to do this?" She asked softly like she doesn't want me to hear it but luckily I am standing next and closer to her.

"Sweetheart, I love you! I will fight for you!" I soad and she groaned while rolling her eyes on me.

Haizt, why can't she accept that? I know I made such a huge mistake but I want to correct it. But the question is how am I going to prove to her that I love her so much??

Instead of giving remarks on her actions. I held the door open for her and she said thank you to me.

I can never get enough of my wife. Just her smell makes me want to jump on her and kiss her so badly. How much I want to scoop her in my arms and make love to her from evening till morning.

"Mr and Mrs Frost please take your seats!" My lawyer said to us and I looked at my wife's reaction. Her eyes zoom to me if looks can kill. I think I already buried down six feet below.

"I am not Mrs Frost, Mr Sander. You took part in the divorce process!" My wife said to him,

"Sweetheart, don't be like that! Anyway he's telling the truth. You're my wife !" I said to her,

"Urg, can we just start? I am feeling nauseous arguing with the two of you!" She said to me,

"Well your lawyer is still not here?" I asked her as I looked around but then a door opened. I don't have to guess who the guy is since I saw him bowing to my wife.

"Morning your highness, sorry for being late. My daughter just had a tantrum!" He said as he let out a subtle laugh.

"It's ok, knowing Kate!"

"Yeah, thank you for understanding!"

"She is just like Luna, Andrew! No need to explain.!"

"Yeah those two are inseparable!"

I cleared my throat to gain their attention. The guy who's name is Andrew looks at me.

"Sorry!" He said and took a seat next to my wife.

"Ok let's begin!"

Then we began our discussion. As I looked at my wife. I remembered what happened in the hospital. How we ended up being in this situation is why we agreed to meet our lawyers to address our concerns and problems.

"Blake, are you listening?" My wife asked me as she poke my side a little.

"Sorry sweetheart! What is it?" I said.

She raised her brows on me.

"Sorry, hmmm… my client here wants to discuss his rights with his child!" Sander my lawyer said.

"Look, Sander, as I said you took part of it. He signed that waiver. You know that!" My wife said,

"But Mrs Frost, you also fake your identity, meaning you made a mistake first. You are entitled to give my client a chance. You hide your real identity and it's unfair to him!"

" A what? What's so unfair to him? I didn't do anything wrong, I just hid my identity but I am real when I am with him. I didn't fake whatever feelings I showed to him!"

"But it's still wrong. Meaning whatever kind of agreement you have is invalid. You used a fake name!"

"Yeah, yeah, so my marriage with him is fake too?"

"We will see about that!"

"But….!!!" She was about to say something but his lawyer whispered something to her.

"Fine, I know I made a mistake faking my identity. Ok I am fine with him being with my daughter!"

I smiled when she finally decided to give me a chance to be a father to my daughter.

"Thank you sweetheart. But I don't just want a chance for my daughter but I also want another shot with you. I mean us!"

"That is one thing I can say no! There will be no us anymore Blake. Accept it or not! You can be the father of my daughter, that's all, I can give nothing more!"


"No buts!

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