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Blake POV

I wipe the flowing sweats on my forehead as I can't stop myself from being nervous. Meeting her family unexpectedly as I stated is unexpected.

I recalled what happened this morning when she dismissed my idea of us getting back together. I know she has all the right to say those things to me. And I know she's still doubtful if I stayed to what I promised.

It's that easy to trust, especially if that person broke your trust in a very inhumane way. I can't picture how she survived, alone and pregnant without me on her side. The last straw she said to me was me not recognizing my own child.

She said she can accept those things that I did to her but not be an idiot for calling my own child not mine. Even if it's happened to me,I'll do the same too.

I know, you see me as selfish and being unfair to her for I keep pushing myself to her despite everything I have done to her. I know it's very wrong, so wrong but I don't want to let go of her anymore. I have promised myself that when I see her again I will never ever let go. That I will do anything for her to choose me again.

Yesterday her sister Luna called her. She just walked out from the bathroom taking her bath at that time.

Looking at my wife who looks fresh and I can smell the scents of the body soap she used makes me want to rubbish her. I had to keep myself intact and remind myself to behave.

Her phone rings while sitting beside me. I grab it and give it to her. She then answers the call but not without frowning while talking.

"Hello?" She said,

"Sis, where are you? Mom's so worried about you and Amari didn't go home last night!" Her sister said.

"I texted her last night that I'll spend a night with Amari's dad!" She said, The last word she said softly as if she didn't want her sister to notice it.

"Oh… that high quality meat? You spend a night with him?" I can feel the excitement from her sister's voice.

I swear even if I am a man, I can't help but to feel blush. I didn't know they saw me that way, high quality piece of meat, huh?

I glanced at my wife who's also looking at me with the smas reaction on her face. Obviously she looked shy after what I heard. She smiled at me wearily and turned her attention to her sister.

"For the love of god Luna, stop calling him like that! And he is currently sitting beside me!" She stretches those words and I can feel my cheeks go wide. It's amusing how she acted like that. Never before have I seen her reaction like that.

"What's wrong with that? Goodness sis, it's not like I want to have a piece of your man. I am just plainly admiring him. Come on! And also, have you forgotten about what Mom told you?" Her sister Lila looked at me.

I looked at her confused as to why she's looking at me like that.

"Forgot it! It's not that important!" She dismisses it while shaking her head.

"Oh come on, we deserve to meet your guy!"

"For the nth time, Luna, he is not my guy. I told you we are already divorce!"

"Fine, if you put it that way! But Mom still wants to meet him!" She said and I raised my brows cause definitely and absolutely they are talking about me right?

She doesn't have any other guy other than me right? Or did she? …

"No, it will remain that way! It's useless anyway. We are just talking because we have responsibility for our daughter, that's all. You don't need to meet him. My goodness!" She ran her hands to her face as if she wanted to burst out.

"Oh Mom is here! It's Li, she's at her ex-husband's house!" We heard her sister talk to her mom.

"Mom wants to have FaceTime? Can you turn on your video please?" Her sister Luna said and I swear I saw my wife's face morphed from calm to annoyance again.

"Tell mom that I can't! Can I just hang up guys? I need to prepare. We will go back there now!" She said, trying to switch the subject.

"What? You don't want facetime? Do you have something that you don't want us to see?" Her sister's voice again teases her.


"Then turn your video on, if you don't have anything to hide!"

"I am not hiding anything, it's just that it's not my house! For goodness sake!" She tried to curse but obviously she couldn't. I almost laughed at her reaction.

So instead

So instead of listening on the side. I choose to interfere with them. She looked at me raising her bows and mouthed at me "what?"

"It's ok! You can have FaceTime with them. It's nothing to worry about!" I said to her, smiling.

She shook her head but of course her sister heard what I said.

"Oh don't you dare say no! He already said it's alright! What's something you hide, right?"

"Urg! Fine!" She sis and turned her video on.

Her sister's face is shown on the other side and then there's another person on her side. She's an older version of Lila but she still looked beautiful despite her age.

"Is that your ex husband?" Her mom asked and I perked my head trying to have a good view on them.

"Hi!" I said while my wife looked at me with icy glare.

"We see you sis! Don't you dare do that to him. He is just greeting us!"

"Shut up! Everytime you decide to open your mouth it only leads me to this kind of thing!"

"Sweetheart, can I look at the man who once became my daughter's husband??" Her mom asked and my wife closed her eyes then nodded.

"Hi!" I said, trying not to show them how nervous I am.

"Hello, I have been telling my daughter to ask to come, if you know I have some free time. I would love to get to know the father of my granddaughter!" She said and I gulped nervously cause she's looking at me with an eyes saying. "don't you dare say no!"

"Of course Ma'am, I would love to!"

"Really? Are you vacant this evening? Would it be nice if you could come and eat dinner with us?" She said, smiling at me. I know there's something in between those smiles because Lila elbowed me on my side.

"Say no!" She whispered to me enough for the both of us to hear.

But instead of listening to her, of course I choose to meet her entire family.

"Sure Ma'am, I would love to come Ma'am. I won't miss this opportunity!" I said, smiling at the two people who were looking at me expectantly.

But when I glanced at my wife, I swear she has Laser eyes  that want to kill me instantly.

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