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Chapter 26: Dumb Blonde

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Chapter 26: Dumb Blonde

       Damon was many things—reckless, maybe. Selfish, absolutely. But one thing Damon Salvatore wasn't, was stupid. He had a built in bullshit detector and ever since the thought of him being under a spell fluttered into his brain—his meter was going off the charts.

        So pretty, Nala was. Gorgeously glowing in her drunken stupor and while Damon had skillfully masked any trace of his suspicions, he was no better than any other man when she stripped off her clothes and settled over his duvet in nothing but underwear and his old shirt. Greedy eyes raked over the length of her legs, the pale pink of her painted toes bringing up the sensual urge to kiss each and every one.

       Was that the spell?

       He deflated even further, his heart already beginning to build strong, iron walls to protect it from the pain he knew was yet to come. He hated everything about it, not knowing if his thoughts were his own or something controlled by another—by her.

        "You're staring pretty hard there. Mind telling me what you're thinking about?"

        "Not likely."

        "I could always just make you tell me." Nala's stoic expression broke, a bright smile overtaking her features as intoxicating giggles tumbled from her glossy lips. "Or I could just read your mind."

        Damon didn't return her joy, not even offering her a smile as he raised a thick, dark brow. Icy blue eyes squinted at her, the scrutiny in his gaze sending her instincts into overdrive. "Could you really?"

        She nods absently as she laid on her back, the soft cotton of Damon's t-shirt settling dangerously high on her hips as her legs danced childishly in the air. "I could, if I wanted to."

        He moved closer to her, his long legs crossed over one another as he twirled his daylight ring on his finger. "You've never said much before about your magic. Never showed much of anything to me either. How do I know you aren't just lying to me."

        Nala rose from her position, taking the hair tie from her wrist and pulling her hair into a low bun. She'd taken her makeup off a little while ago but she couldn't help but keep rubbing her eyes, the residue of her lash glue lingering on her lid. "What do you want to see?" She simply responds, her tone light and posture comfortable.

        The eldest Salvatore glanced around the room, eyes catching a blue bird chirping away on a branch a few feet away from his window. "Make the bird shut up, will you?"

        Nala barely raises a finger, back facing the window that the bird resides in and all in one motion the window opens and the bird goes silent. The same finger moves again, silently beckoning the bird from its spot on the branch to fly from its spot and land right on her shoulder. "Hello there," She whispers, gently petting the delicate feathers on the small bird. "Did that do it for you or do you have any other tests for me pass?"

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