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Chapter 29: True Colors

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Chapter 29: True Colors

       Cloaked in the onyx blanket of the night, Nala ran through the trees, jumping over rocks and stray branches until she reached the cemetery. Usually she'd be a little unsettled, surrounded by the stones that marked the bitter end of life—but tonight felt different.

Dressed in white from head to toe, Nala didn't stop speeding through the cemetery until her whole body froze on its own accord, her arms flapping like a bird to catch her balance before hitting the ground. "A little clumsy, you are."

"You could have just told me to stop."

"Where's the fun in that?" Marie seemed to be an exception to the all-white rule; her warm skin covered in the deep purple silks trimmed with lace. She glistened like diamonds under the moon light, her golden jewelry cascading down her chest like a queen. "Before we begin in lessons, I want to know the full extent of the power you currently possess—just to see if we could skip a few steps."

         Nala pursed her lips, brown eyes looking around her surroundings wearily. "I'm not sure this is the best place to be doing that."

Marie scoffed, snapping her fingers in impatience. "Trust me, they won't be disturbed."

"If you say so," Nala took a steadying breath, closing her eyes so she could visualize her energy, picturing a growing ball of electricity that sizzled but never burned in her touch. It felt like warmth, one unlike anything else under the sun—it was all consuming and more addictive than any quality drug.

Marie watched with a growing smirk, peering with pride as her protégé vibrated with power—Nala was absolutely glowing with energy, her hands rising from their slides slowly as she began humming some sunken tune into the night.

The birds went silent, the tree branches they rested on stiffening so much that even their leaves didn't dare shuffle. The cool night air grew stale, her ominous hum calling forth an unseen force—a call she knew was answered when her solo turned into a harmony. A snake slithered through the cemetery, matching her hum with it's unusual reptilian hiss.

Nala's eyes remained closed, her body moving on its own accord until it faced the direction of the entity, her arms raised in the air to offer herself to it—to prove that she had the balls to be in the presence of power that surpassed hers. The hiss grew closer, it's harmonic tone tempting the other hidden creatures to come out; to become a witness to such greatness.

"Oh my," Marie gasps, her fingers touching the plush skin of her bottom lip in astonishment. Before her, Nala's eyes finally opened her irises cloaked in a milky covering, her left hand snapping out to catch the stalking snake. It hisses viciously, venom spewing from its fangs but Nala didn't care—not even when a drop splashed on her lip; simply welcoming it further with the swipe of her tongue.

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