S1~02: Toyotomi Attack

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This is the world known as Shinga. The Himemiko who possessed blood with special powers has vanished, and the world that was once at peace has fallen into disarray. The warlords of the non-human Gegga Tribes continue to fight with one another, seeking unification.


Standing at the edge of a cliff near the trio, with the moon behind him was none other than Oda Nobunaga, the supreme commander of the Oda Army as he stood before them.

"It's been a while, Monkey." Nobunaga coldly said.

"Nobunaga... sama." Hideyoshi said in a low voice.

Runa stared at the infamous Oda Nobunaga. She could already tell he's the type who has a difficult atmosphere around him. She was ready to kill him if it is called for. But when Runa saw Hideyoshi's expression, she knew he wants to do the honours of having Nobunaga's head. Very badly. The feeling was mutual if she wants someone's head, and she isn't the type to take someone else's revenge away.

"Glaring contest... how long...?" Runa wondered, seeing the glare-off has been going on for about more than a minute.

Hideyoshi was the one to broke it off with a chuckle, which caught Nobunaga's attention. "Man, to think you would kindly come for my head yourself. Or, rather, should I say that you've kindly brought me your head?" He mocked.

"What did you say?!" Ranmaru shouted, moving forward to lunge at the commander.

Runa gasp slightly at the sight of the young vassal. Then joy, happiness and relief washed over her, but it was soon took over by sadness, depression and guilt as soon as the memories came flooding back to her.

"It's fine. Settle down." Nobunaga told the young vassal. He was unfazed by Hideyoshi's mock.

Ranmaru calmed down and stepped back to his original position.

"Monkey, my head is here." Nobunaga took a few steps until he reached the edge of the cliff he's standing. "You are welcome to it, if you can take it." He taunted. "However, no matter how many schemes you come up with or soldiers you try to gather, you will never reach my head."

"Still the same as ever." Hideyoshi smirked.

Nobunaga's intense stare moved to the brown-haired girl on Hideyoshi's right until it was on Runa, who was staring into space. His gaze then went back to Hideyoshi.

"First, I will compliment you on making it this far while dragging along such hindrances." Nobunaga sneered.

"Being praised by you is such a huge honour." Hideyoshi said with sarcasm in his tone.

"Those girls..." Nobunaga started.

This caught Hideyoshi's attention.

"They must have some worth for you to keep them around." Nobunaga stated.

"He saw..." Runa whispered, which went unheard by Hideyoshi.

"Do not fear." Nobunaga continued. "I will take them with me once you are dead."

The brown-haired girl became scared when she heard that, while Runa was just staring at the vampire with an unreadable expression.

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