S2~16: Destiny Guilty

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It was a chilly day in the Oda territory. The castle town was bustling with people walking around, shoveling the deep snow out of the way to make a path or make room for the entrance of their houses and stores. And a certain raven-haired beauty was not having the best day in the snow.

"Achoo!" Runa covered another sneeze as her teeth were shattering because of the frigid air. She wrapped a plain white scarf over her pink and green one, that covered half her face.

Both Mavis and Nova sweatdropped. This was the first they ever saw Runa's cold state in Shinga. Her teeth shattered and her hands continued to shiver despite the layers she wore.

"A-And I-I-I t-th-thought D-Date's l-l-lands w-were c-c-cold..." Runa managed to say through her shattering teeth. She hugged the Faeries tighter in her arms, hoping their body heat could warm her up.

Ever since they made it to the castle town, Runa didn't waste any time going to the shrine that supposedly said to grant wishes. She could remember some of the directions the people were kind enough to tell her, and whenever she was stuck, Mavis fills in the missing gaps.

"It has been snowing the last few days." Mavis mentioned, remembering the freezing nights they had to spend during their journey to Oda territory.

"And I find it strange." Nova spoke. "It was suppose to get warmer by now. Winter season is almost over."

"I-I d-d-don't w-want t-t-to g-g-go t-to t-t-the c-c-castle..." Runa deadpanned, burying the half of her face into her scarves.

"We just need to get the Sacred Treasure of Solus from Nobunaga and we'll go to the prime yakuma's location." Mavis listed, making it sound easier than doing it for real.

"Um, what does the riddle say again?" Nova asked. She was still a hairpin when Rosina told them the clue to find the last artifact. And she felt kind of bad of leaving the Faery with the Date Army since she's really skittish.

"'North and South and West and East, the last of the Treasures travels least. In that proper frame of mind, the 7th Treasure you'll surely find. Once you have gotten all 7 relics, unlock the hidden mysteries of the one that was inherited'." Mavis quoted.

"That makes sense..." Nova got the answer already. And since Nobunaga always kept the most important things in his room, it would be obvious the Sacred Treasure would travel the least. "But how are we suppose to take it without him knowing?"



The sudden deafening scream from the shrine's forest made the girls jump. Runa nearly dropped the Faeries as the creatures felt something crawling in their spine. The screech was so loud that it made their ears ring.

"W-What was that?!" Nova exclaimed, knowing she was shouting because she could hardly hear herself.

"It sounded like it came from the shrine." Mavis may not be able to hear herself clearly but she had to stay calm. "Let's go, Runa."

"O-Okay...!" Runa nodded and ran towards the shrine the best she could.

As they got close, the three prepared for the worst. They saw one of the shrine's attendants was being chased by a muscular yakuma. But not just one, a shuffling of yakuma appeared from the forest like an endless river.

"Yakuma?!" Nova was shocked.

Runa and Mavis were too. This was the first time the yakuma had showed up in a territory so quickly. They were about to interfere, but restrained themselves when they saw Katsuie drew his swords and rushed ove to the attendant, and cut down the yakuma that was chasing after her.

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