Chapter 4

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They stood silently inside a Silent Woods where the Dwarf's Mine are. Although it's in the afternoon, the woods was so dark they thought the sun is already setting even though they themselves just seen the sun a few minutes ago.

They spotted a mine nearby and quickly recognized that it's the mine that the headmaster was talking about.

"So this is the Dwarfs' Mine..." Deuce began after a long silence, "Long ago, this mine was flush with magestones."

"Urgh... Who knows what lurks in there now?" Grim commented.

Ace perked up when he saw a house nearby, nearly hidden by the trees but they were easily distinguised by the colour, "Look, I can see a house. Let's see what the people there have to say."

They all nodded. Yuu followed behind them, silently entering the house with all of them.

"Hellooo? Is anybody home...? Must be empty. It looks like it's been abandoned." Deuce concluded after calling out.

Grim was fumbling around, trying to get the cobwebs out of his face, occasionally spitting out the rest that get into his mouth.

"Look how tiny these desks and chairs are. Did children live here?" Ace said and began counting ,"One, two... Seven! It's like a clown car in here"

Yuu looked at him blankly. If that mine is called Dwarf's Mine then surely this cottage is a dwarf's cottage. Who else could have lived here? 7 kids living here sounds disastrous.

Yuu was about to say something but ceased when they realised something. Actually, do Ace even know how dwarfs looks like?

Definitely not.

"When the mine was flourishing, this house must have been a lively place." Deuce said as he looked at the seven chairs that were thrown disorderly.

Ace shrugged, "Well, this isn't getting us anywhere. If we're gonna find a magestone, it'll be inside the mine. Let's head inside and take a look."

They all agreed and head toward the mine. However, they stop when they reached the entrance. The entrace was big but it's too dark to see anything.

Yuu observed it and thought they were fine going inside, their eyes can adjust to the darkness a little even if it's not clear enough to distinguish a few meter infront of them. It may not be much but it's better than seeing nothing at all.

"You wanna go inside THERE? It's pitch black!" Grim looked at them with terrifed eyes.

"What, are you scared of the dark? Pathetic." Ace sneered.

"I thought raccoons can see in the dark?" Deuce said in confusion.

"Myah?! I'm not scared of anything! and I'm not a raccoon! I'm the Great Grim!" Grim huffed, showing a brave yet fearful look at them "I'm taking the lead. You all follow me!"

Yuu could only shake their head as they went ahead and followed him. They closed their eyes and after taking a few hesitant steps into the darkness, Yuu opened their eyes. The view was acceptable so they marched onward.

Not even a meter or two, Ace and Deuce hands began hovering apart in a searching motion to see what's infront of them but it didn't help them seeing they crashed the wall and hitting each other as well as almost stepping on Grim, fortunately Grim can see very well in the dark so he was able to dodge their feet. Not without a string of insult aiming at Ace and Deuce though.

Their eyes still haven't gotten used to the dark so Yuu had to guide them by their hesitant hands as as to not waste time. The sun is about to set in a few hours or so and it will only be more harder to see.

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