Chapter 11

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From now on I'm going to make the story a bit short cause my dumba$$ just realised the previous chapters were too long. I am a bit surprise how you guys managed to go that far but you guys need to rest.

And don't worry, many chapters will be out a lot since it's just me dividing it.

And as shameless as this sounds like. Please vote and comment. I need it. _(:з」∠)_


"*snooore* Mmm. Didja see that... *snore* "


"*snore* Totally wrecked 'em with my power shot... *Snore*"


"Myaah.... *snore*"

Yuu couldn't sleep.

Yuu knew they should be sleeping and yet they found themself opening their weary eyes to look at Grim. Tired or no, they have a way to fall asleep by closing their eyes and get comfortable even though it can last for hours before they really get to fall asleep.

Even if they happened to get 2 hours of sleep, at the very least, their eyes were resting.

They slowly get up and sighed internally. They can hear the murmurs and tiny snores from the sleeping Grim.

'I wonder... When will I get home?'

This was the thought that plagued their head everytime they go to bed without fail. Deep inside, they were still anxious at the thought of unable to go home.

They had lost control a little bit at that ceremony when the dark mirror said they can't go home.

There was a sense of wrongness of being so far from their world that Yuu couldn't quite pinpoint how but they desperately want to go home.

They weren't in peace and their heart beated too fast for someone who is only sitting quietly on their bed. Yuu made up their mind and decided to go for a walk in the forest.

There was some place that has so much blues in there they can feel at ease instantly.

Before they approached the door that lead outside, from the corner of their eyes, they saw a tall figure strolling right outside the Ramshackle dorm's area through the slightly drawn opened curtains.

They paused and leaned on the window. They took a closer look at the male, a student of Diasomnia dorm judging by the armband, who was probably taking his time enjoying the scenary and the quietness of the night.

he have horns.

If it wasn't for the lonely streetlight reflected on them, Yuu wouldn't see them because they were dark and blended with the shadows.

'What animal supposed to have that kind of horns? Sheep?'

Curiousity aside, it looked like Yuu can't go take a walk now. They can't risked meeting him and have a conversation. They don't have the mood and time to do that.

Sparing a final look at him, Yuu eventually close the curtain, covering him from their eyes before they returned back to their bed.

Somewhere not too far from the Ramshackle dorm stood a horned male who turned his head to a certain place where he suddenly felt a gaze on him.

"Hm? Who's there?"

But there was no one to answer him. And so, he assumed what he felt just now was just his imagination and returned back to where he came from in a burst of sparkling neon green.

I Want To Go Home (Yandere Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now