Chapter 5

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Ill try to add funfacts if i can or the '2 lies and 1 truth' game for fun and more clarified info sakes. Im getting kinda worried that some people are in confusion cuz i do make a mess out of the story.


The reason Yuu is not wary and more 'fond' of the trio is because they saw 'That Person'. Hence, the almost carefree and vague affectionate gestures.


Yuu felt strange. It was dark and they can't feel anything nor can they move their body. They tried to move their body but found out that they have no will to do so. Not even a twitch of their finger or a slight opening of their eyes.

This however, did not bring panic just peacefulness and a little bit of confusion.

Suddenly, their view brighten and a scenary of a maze made from hedges greeted their sight.

In that dream, they saw a...

A strange thing.

Three humanoid living cards with a head, holding paint brush in each hand. They were painting the white roses in red.

Red paints dripped from the roses as they merrily prancing around.

A blonde girl approached, asking about the roses.

"Oh haven't you heard? The Queen of Heart is about to arrive".

"She loves red roses so we shall paint them red".

"If she ever caught a speck of white, it's off with our head–!"

"–Knock knock".

Their eyes shot wide opened. Their dream forgotten and thrown into the back of their head as the knocks continue. They felt a headache coming up at being suddenly woken up.

"Myaaah... Hey henchman...I know it's the middle of the night, but I think we've got a visitor. Maybe it's those pesky ghosts again They just don't know when to quit." Grim was roused from his sleep by the increasingly loud knocks.

Yuu begrudgingly parted from their bed, and head toward the lounge with uncoordinated steps.

They asked who is it on the other side of the door as they rubbed their still closed eyes

"It's me, Ace! Just let me in, all right?"

Yuu paused before opening the door, and indeed, Ace was there standing right infront of their door.

And there was a familiar collar on his neck.

They were muddlehead and distracted enough to pay attention to the fact that Ace had known the location of their dorm even though Grim told only it's name and what state it was.

Even if they did indeed thought of it, they would assumed this dorm was eye catchy enough and putting few hints together by Grim's description, this dorm will be the first one to come up.

"Ace?" Grim called out as he exit their room, "It's the middle of the night! B-bwah! That collar!"

Ace looked slightly irritated, his hand brushed behind his neck, "I can't go back to Heartslabyul House. I'm joining your dorm. For good."

"Myah?! Come again?!"

"I told you, I'm joining your dorm. I have enough of staying there" Ace invited himself in, looking around the cleaned lounge, completely contradicting the exterior that still have webs on them.

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