Chapter 22

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It's been a long time. How are you guys doing? I'm busy as usual, but I managed to find time to do this, so here are some new chapters! Unfortunately, I will be gone again as usual and please pray for me for tomorrow! Im' actually having an exam.😭

And I just realized that my story reached 1k+ votes! I'm so happy! Thanks for reading this and giving me support, guys!

As always, please enjoy, comment, and leave a vote!


A burst of colors splashed across their vision like watercolor spreading on paper, and the dream began to play again with Yuu as it's sole audience and witness. Yuu watched the scene unfold before their eyes quietly, no longer a stranger to these kinds of dreams.

The same red-haired mermaid entered a cave. A stout lady with octopus legs was in there. Her tentacles spread on the rocky floor and flared up like a purple flower, beckoning her to get closer.

"Come in, come in, my child." She smiled knowingly as the mermaid got closer. "You're here because you have a thing for this human."

A golden scroll appeared in her hand, the similarity she saw with the scroll Azul had was undeniably the same.

"Now here's the deal. I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. Got that? Three days."

The eels emerged out of nowhere, smiling sinisterly at the mermaid.

"Before the sun sets on the third day, you've got to get dear old Prince to fall in love with you."

"Oh, and there's one more thing. We haven't discussed the subject of payment."

"What I want from you is your voice."

"Now go ahead and sign the scroll."

As if octopus lady was a siren, luring victims who were entranced by her voice, the mermaid signed it.

"I'll help this poor unfortunate soul."

Yuu watched. Their vision almost blackened, signaling that the dream was about to end.

"Three days before the sun sets on the third day...'

"The story of a mermaid that fell in love with a human and sought the witch who granted her feet out of kindness...'

They were all related, something that Yuu had long realized, though they do not know why they had these dreams other than the troubles they had brought them.

Why do Yuu have to be involved in this?

"Zzz... Mrah..."

Yuu's eyes wearily cracked open, instantly taking a moment to recollect their memories while staring at the ceiling that Yuu was not familiar with.

It took a few seconds to realize that they were sleeping on a mattress in Leona's room with Grim sprawling on their belly.

"How do I end up here?'

Yuu had no recollections of putting down the mattress or sleeping on it. The only thing they recalled was the time when they drifted off to sleep while waiting for Jack to come and deliver their mattress.

They didn't expect to wake at the slightest sound; they must have been more tired than they had expected and went into a deep sleep. They resisted the urge to groan, choosing to close their eyes to chase back the sleep.

They admitted not being able to sleep properly these few days, therefore earning a dark circle underneath their eyes. There was one right before they came to this world, though it was not as dark as now. It's more of the ones you see in a mildly sick person. The ones with sunken eyes, not that Yuu were aware they had one in the first place. They tended to avoid seeing a mirror afterall.

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