Chapter 15

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The hall was already full by the time they get there. Loud chatterings with wails of disbelief stood out from the crowd. The trio doesn't seemed to notice about it and were too caught up to see the board that posted the top 50.

Yuu peeked at a random student who was too busy talking to himself, "I can't believe I'm not in the top 50 with my marks. That damned Azul!"


Yuu doesn't understand what's going on. They were not sure what's Azul got to do with the marks but the trio might have some answe–

"–PERFECT MARKS?!" Deuce and Grim's yell knocked Yuu off from their thinking.

"B-but if I don't make it into the top fifty, that counts as a breach of contract!" Said Grim with realisation.

Yuu blankly stared at Grim. They didn't need to ask, the answer came willingly. They looked at Ace and Deuce's expression and true enough, they both were also in the same spot.

Yuu was not amused. So this is the trouble that Yuu had been braced and never asked for and the trio is directly involved with it. It wasn't a surprise anymore. They just have affinities for causing one. One does not simply separate trouble and the troublemaker trio, they're just meant to be.

"Wait, "contract"? Oh no. Grim, did you...?"

"Judging by the look on your face, Ace, don't tell me you also-"


Something strange just grow on their head. Everyone who was complaining earlier had those strange thing growing on top of their heads as well which proved that not only the troublemaker trio had done this "contract".

Yuu looked at the thing that was purplish and blue in colour, ignoring the fight happening between the trio. The thing looked flexible and there seem to be something that resemble a flower at the top.


'This... Isn't this a sea anemone?' Yuu tried to recall the sea anemone they had seen before in a picture book. 'It's different than the book but it's definitely right.'

"I'll just give it a quick tug, and...OW! It's not comin' out!" Yuu saw Grim tried to pull it only for him to flinch in pain.

"Stop pulling it. That thing is probably part of you now." Yuu adviced, ignoring the horrified looks on their face.

Yuu's was expressionless as they usually were but that gaze alone managed to radiate an air of dissapointment aiming toward them. The ADeuce duo averted their gaze, unable to face Yuu head on.

The plan to impress Yuu which both of them had made in their heart without each other knowing backfired tremendously. Ace could only rubbed his nape while Deuce looked like a kicked puppy.

"I came to see what all the commotion was. Why am I not surprised it's you guys? What're you doing?" Said Jack. He was not impressed judging by his expression. His eyes kept looking back to the anemone that just jiggling funnily when they moved around.

Deuce jumped in surprise, "Jack, did you make a contract too? Wait... You don't have an anemone!"

Ace scoffed, "So much for looking like a bad boy. You're more of a square than Loosey-Deucey over here!"

Jack frowned and his ears were pressed back, "Okay, what? I'm completely lost here. What are you talking about, and what are those things growing outta your heads?"

They were reluctant to answer. Jack sniffed as if trying to find something and suddenly, he was looking at Yuu.

'Oh, he's looking for me.' Yuu just realised that.

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