Chapter 25

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Hey, guys, it's been a while. Im back again with new 2 chapters. I hope it doesnt feel short cause it felt short to me but that's probably because I skipped some dialogs. So anyway, I hope you like and enjoy these new chapters and leave a vote and comment too!

Have a nice day/afternoon/night everyone!


"You're late," said Riddle as soon as their figures entered his eyes. The trio flinched at his firm tone, taken off guard for being spotted. "You better give me a reason as to why I should let you guys off, or it's off with your head."

"Woah! Don't go nuts on us. It ain't our fault this time, Riddle, I swear!"

"We apologize for being late, housewarden Riddle! We get held back unexpectedly."

Riddle expression eased up a little bit, but his frown hasn't changed yet. He raised an eyebrow. "By what? It is almost seven; dinner is at six thirty. Everyone except you had already finished dinner."

Upon mentioning dinner, Grim stomach suddenly growled, "Myaah, come to think of it, I haven't eaten yet!"

Riddle snapped up when he realised that if Grim is here then surely, Yuu is there. His face flushed slightly when he finally noticed you. He was excited to see Yuu but at the same time, he was a bit upset that he have failed to acknowledge their presence immediately.

He decided to play it cool and think of a different ways to apologize to make himself better.

"Ah, my apologies for Ace and Deuce's behavior. They were supposed to bring you guys here on time so we can have dinner together. As the Queen of Hearts rule 243 stated, Dinner shall be exactly at six thirty, not too early nor too late."

"If I had known that, I would definitely rush here and leave that grumpy sleepyhead!" Grim exclaimed with a salivating mouth.

"Grumpy sleepyhead?" Riddle's eyes narrowed as he tried to remember who matched the description. His eyes widened slightly, and then he nodded in understanding. "Ah, so it's Leona Kingscholar who is responsible for holding you back. Did he do something to you?"

The question was clearly for Yuu since Riddle's gaze is still on them. Yuu lazily shook their head, which earned him a nod of satisfaction and relief.

"No, but housewarden Leona did share some insights with us on how to deal with Azul. That's why we ended up being late," added Deuce helpfully.

"He did? Now that is suspicious. Their brains work the same way, though Leona tends to be so lazy that people forget about it. You should be careful around him." Chided Riddle worrily.

"We'll worry about that later. What's important is that we've got to take the Ramshackle dorm back," said Ace with a puffed out chest, determined to do what needs to be done.

"I'm sure we can handle him again, we fought with him before and won!" Grinned Deuce boyishly with a pumped-up fist.

"What kind of insights did he actually gave you?" Riddle, asked warily. "I'd be more wary if I were you. Who knows if he harbored ill intentions toward you from the spelldrive tournament?"

"I don't know, man. Didn't we get even with the spelldrive tournament stuff? And I'm pretty sure his advice looks kind of legit, right guys?" Ace turned to face them so that the other can backed him up.

"He did give great advice. I wouldn't have thought of it that way if it weren't for him," agreed Deuce. He then perked up, saying, "by the way, housewarden Riddle. You seems a bit close to one of the Leech twins. Maybe you know more about them?"

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