Queens are Girls

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Gems POV: 

Just then though I hear a knock on the door. Wonder who that is? I run down the stairs but realize I haven't eaten in so long. "Coming!" I yell. I open the door and standing down there is a tired Shelby.

"Shelby!?" I gasp. She puts up her hand while bending down to take a breath. "H-h-h-hi." She says. "What happened!?" I ask. She takes a quick pause and then says. "I-I was going tuh-tuh-to the C-C-Crystal Cli-i-i-ffs. But my Ely-ra-tra fell off and I-I walked-hu-hu-hu. Wooooo." I couldn't help but chuckle and Shelby began to laugh. "Anyways, what are doing here?" I ask. "Oh, right. The girls are going to meet at spawn today and just go around all our kingdoms. You in?" She asked. "This is about..." I begin. I give her a grin. Shelby sighs and lets out a chuckle. "Come one Gem! It's been days since you been with us. Pleeeeeeeease." "Shelby. When did I say I don't want to come." I joke. Shelby seems delighted! "Okay! Meet you at spawn in an hour!" She says running off. But then, she stops. "Oh. Do you have a spare Elytra and some rockets?" She asks? I could see her face turning red. "Of course!" I exclaim, and I run inside to get her some rockets and a spare Elytra. 

One Hour later

3rd person POV: 

"Do you think Gem will come?" Asked Katherine. "Yep." Said a voice. Lizze, Shelby, Katherine and Pearl looked up to see Gem flying over. "Gem!" Exclaimed Lizze, "you haven't talked to us for so long now!" "Yeah!?" Agreed Pearl. "Talk to us more" She exclaimed. Gem chuckled, "alright? Where are we going first?" She asked. Lizze replied, "well which paper did you raffle out Shelby?" Shelby struggled to say the name, "Gilded Helanthea?" Pearl laughed. "No it's Gilded Helianthia. But you can call it the small holding." "ohhhhhhhhhhh." Shelby replied, everyone laughed. 

Gems POV:

We have arrived at the Small Holding. It was amazing how much care and love these people have put into there crops. Pearl gave us a tour and we got to try some pastries, they were delicious. I decided to go to the crop field with Katherine to just check it out when suddenly.

"You've planted lot Pearl."  "Thanks, I also have lots of paths." "Yeah. You're the path lady." "Hey yeah sis. You could be called le path lady." "Grian!"

"Gem!?" Asks Katherine. I suddenly just snap back into reality. I stutter, "uh-um, wha-what i-ii-." Katherine gives me a confused glance. "Um you okay Gem?" "Yeah I'm fine." I say as I scratch my neck. "Just got a weird chill."

Next stop. House Blossom, I love it here. When I first came here, it was really the first time I've seen flowers. Living in the Grimlands you didn't get to see nature that often. We did parkour and made flower crowns, explored potions and hanged out the sheep and Mooblooms. I was just petting a Moobloom when.

"Katherine! I found one!" "There so cute!" "Yeah, they'll be a addition to our farms." "They seem to like you Gem." "What can I say. I'm the nature lady." 

"Gem. Gem. Gem. GEM!?" Shelby was shaking me while I was kneeling on the grass. "Uh-wha-ha-what?" I ask. "Gem you were staring into space and weren't answering. Are you okay?" I guess I'm just having weird illusions. "Yeah." I whisper. Shelby looks at me and then says, "if there's a problem you just say." I stutter, "n-no. It's fine."

We pretty much kept doing magic at the Undergrove. But what I don't get is how Shelby made the area so frick'n adorable. But I started to feel a little sick. No not like stomach aches but just feeling strange.

But the strangest thing was when we were in the Ocean. Lizze was giving us a tour of the ocean, "And this, is my shipwreck." Lizze exclaimed. "You sure are a trash collector." Pearl teased. Lizze smiled, "I know. But know we should get you guys back to the surface. The water breathing potions might run out soon." "Please" Shelby begged. "Water's scary."

We were swimming up to the surface when water breathing potion stopped, but it wasn't that. My head was spinning, my knees felt weak and I just needed to close my eyes for a-


"SHE'S WAKING UP!" Katherine screamed. I was on the sand, with my friends all standing above me. "GEM! GEM ARE YOU OKAY!" Lizze yelled. I couldn't answer, I was just to tired.

I couldn't continue our trip anymore. I felt to sick. I was in my house on the bed, when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I mumbled. Katherine, Lizze, Pearl and Shelby all came through the with a basket. "Okay." Katherine began. "We have potions, stew, pastries." "Do you need water?" Lizze cut in. "No." I said. My friends came and took hours away from their own time, just to check on me. When they left in the night I felt happy. Happy to know that people were always there for me. "Good night Gandalf." I whispered. But I didn't have a good night...

Author: So I'm sorry. This chapter wasn't the best(/▽\). I just need something before the rising action so...yeah. The next chapters are going to have more thrill, so...thats that. Anyways, Cya.

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