It's probably not that serious...Right?

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Gems POV:

"GEM!" A voice yelled. The Endermen all disappeared, the figure was gone. I couldn't make out the voice now I-I...................................




I groan, everything hurts. "Gem, you got to lie down alright." Katherine whispers as she lifts me up and slowly tips a health potion into my mouth. I stutter, "How d- the- cave." Fwhip and Katherine exchange glances, "Gem what were you doing all the way down at bedrock?" Fwhip asks. Bedrock? So it wasn't all a bad dream. Then that figure wasn't lying, I'm not taking any risks. Besides, Fwhip will probably not even let me out of my own house. "I just, fell." I lied. I kept it simple. "And-" Fwhip stated, "and what?" I ask. "And how are you covered in blood all over?" Katherine finishes. "Creeper." I say, maybe a little to quickly. "Gem, you know you need to be careful." Fwhip says. "Talk to yourself." I state. Fwhip is actually telling me to be careful? I can count about 50 times he's almost got himself killed. Katherine tried not smirk while Fwhip shot a glare meaning 'seriously'. Fwhip helped me back to my Empire, even though I wanted to go with Katherine because of, "Are you sure your-" Fwhip started once we arrived at my empire. "Fwhip I'm fine!" I moaned. But Fwhip didn't seem to notice. "Fwhip? What are you, oh." Right. I blew up a wall in my building. "Gem, what did you do?" Fwhip asked? I just stayed silent, I didn't want to stay alone again. It knew my name, it called me, Gemling? Have I heard it before? "Gem!" Fwhip yelled, waving his hand in front of my face. "I just. Blew up some TNT by accident." I mumbled. Fwhip shook his head. "Should I be giving you redstone?" He asked.


A while later we had the wall fixed and when Fwhip left I made a protective shield surrounding my empire. I made it invisible so no one will suspect anything. I couldn't say anything to anyone or their blood is one my hands. 

Note: Yeah I made a change to the previous chapter... The figure told Gem that if she says anything then 'There blood is on your hands' Just a small change to give the story some reason.

Scotts POV:

Really, today there had been nothing so I decided to read. I didn't notice what book I was reading before I read 5 pages. I was reading a romance book. Okay I really do need to ask Jimmy on that date oUwUo. But wow does this series draw my attention, honestly I think Gem would find this book interesting, wait does Gem even have a love interest? Maybe she should get one cause there would be someone to stop her from over working herself. 😐

(Tis not a ship, just Scott making weird jokes about everyone😋)

Gem! Oh I haven't visited her for a while, Katherine came over a while ago and said that Gem wasn't doing to well. Ah, I'm her ally and her friend, I should have gone sooner. I put the book down and headed on over to the door. Before I leave though I went to go check the Xornoth crystal, I do that all the time now. I headed down the stairs to the Xornoth crystal. You see, I'm actually able to communicate with Xornoth through the crystal, and maybe I should tell someone. But I didn't know if I should, just yet. I mean, it happens randomly. I was just about to grab the crystal when it everything went,... black?

Gems POV:

Reading. It gets my mind off of things, I had Gandalf beside me because, I just didn't want to stay alone. 

*knock knock*

"Gem? Can I talk to you?"

Scott? What was he doing here. I opened the door and he quickly rushed inside. I could tell something was wrong. "Scott is everything okay?" I ask. "Well, uh." He starts. "Xornoth's really into you."


I just stay quiet while Scoot looks at me with a confused look. "OH!" Scott yelps. "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no! NO! I-I didn't mean it like!- phft. He's with Joey still, like NOT that way like-" I know this was a serious topic but both me and Scott started laughing and wheezing. "Okay, okay." I say. "Okay good I was thinking what the heck, doesn't he have Joey like-?" "yeah." Scott agree's. I close the door and welcome him inside and we sit on my couch. "Like the inside?" I ask. Scott looks around and smiles, "Yeah, you did a really good job on theming it on that book." He smiles, but then his smile kinda fades. "What did you mean before, when you said Xornoth's into me?" I asked. "Well" Scott starts. "Like everyday, I go to check the Xornoth crystal, and then everything went black. I didn't black out I just teleported to a dark room, I think. And then I heard Xornoth's voice, but as some riddles or some other language? I-I'm not entirely sure but I made out the word pendant or key? Gods? Amethyst, life and death? And then, hunt or hunting.... her." Scott went quiet, he turned at me and asked, "did anything, happen?" I froze, did Xornoth know about all this. Was he watching? "Gem?" Scott asked. "W-Well. Nothing strange happened." I mumbled. My hand starts to itch so I start scratching it. Scott still looked concerned, but then asked. "Okay, then. But. A few days ago Katherine came and told me you weren't doing so great, are you feeling better now." Ah yes sounds just like Katherine. She's becoming like Fwhip.🙄😏 "I'm doing fine, just a little stressed out I guess." "And over worked." Scott adds. "Yeah. It's fine." I reply. Oh gosh my hand just feels like it's on fire. Scott looks over, "Um. You good?" He's referring to my itching arm. That's kinda embarrassing. I laugh a little, "yeah. It just started." Scott stood up, walked over to the door and then said, "Well, then. I need to go, and put some honey on that arm, it'll help." I smiled, "K, but your going to ask Jimmy on that date right? Or else I helped you on valentines day for nothing." Scott face turned pink and sighed. "Yes, Okay bye Gem!" He waved, "Bye!" I yell back and off he goes. Geez Scott is right, I really need to apply some honey on that itch. I run upstairs to my bee friends. "Hello!" I chirp as I come into the room. The bee's start dancing and fluttering around me. Oh I love them. I grabbed some spare honey bottles and went to the bathroom, locked the door, rolled up my sleeve and......................................................


From my shoulder to my elbow the skin on my left arm was, turning scales? They were turning into black scales with some little purple scales scattered, only in that area though. My HAT! I took it off and I could clearly see that the Antlers grew. It's bigger, and looks stronger. But the other one. The other one wasn't and antler. I was a horn. A demon, horn. I put my hat back on, I didn't want Gandalf to see it. Maybe, maybe I shouldn't tell the other rulers, just so there's no panic. 

I mean, it's probably not that serious...Right?


Authors Note: *tap tap* Yes it's been two weeks! I'm sorry it took so long, I've been trying to catch up with homework and play Hypixel and my Minecraft world, so......... Yeah I'll try to update more often, especially after June 13th(I have a test that day). Anyways, thanks for reading and take care everybody.

-MoonFics(Yes changed it from The Story Moon to Moonfics) UwU (AND yes I might add something at the end of the name (/v\) )

Me: If you're still here, wanna here about my brother coming on to my account and putting on cheats, giving me all the advancements with cheats making me mad. SO I had to revoke all my achievements and now have to do them all over again including the one's I did in survival and he did that all on my first ever world kinda ruining it so I-

My Brain: NE-ver mind. Moving on. 

Me: He also got me 72 DIAMONDS with cheats which is annoying because it's survival and I'm still in the Iron age. HE CALLED IT A BIRTHDAY GIFT BUT NOT EVEN-

My Brain: Like I said. Moving on. (Yes, I like to grind for things in Minecraft, I mean. It makes Minecraft, Minecraft.)

Don't tell me he was being nice, I don't like cheating in games, I'm in for the challenge and ADVENTURE!

Yeah were moving on, BYE!

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