It's all so much

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3rd person POV:

"Scott! I finished!" Gem yelled. She'd been asked to make a embassy at Rivendell, and she couldn't help but say yes. "You're done already!?" Asked Scott as he walked over to Gem. "Yep." Gem replied. "Let me show you." As she said that they opened the door and they walked inside. "So there's a loft, a little entrance space, a small tower and some chests. And outside, we even have a moon." Gem said. "Cool." Scott replied. "I could use this as a little potion building." Gem smiled. "Are you going to decorate the outside too?" Scott asked. Gem took a glance at Katherines build and then hers. "Uhh-" Gem was cut of by voice. A very certain annoying voice. 

Scott's POV: 

"Hey guys.." cooed Joey. Me and Gem turned around to see Joey flying down to us. Gem reached behind her back, ready to pull out her staff. "Hey Joey." I begin, I can't help but put some venom in my voice. I didn't really care about what he was saying. But I just perked up when he yelled, "SAUSAGE NOW!" All of a sudden everything turned black and the last thing I heard was, "Good night." Before blacking out.

I'm not sure what would've happen if Jimmy didn't come along. Yes we did stay down there for a few days...But we might have been in there for weeks if for Jimmy. But ever since then, when Gem went back to the Cliffs. She never left her tower, even Katherine said that she wasn't coming out to talk with her. And Gem not talking to Katherine, isn't normal of her. 

Katherine's POV:

Every single time I visited Gem she wouldn't answer. It's just dead silence or all she was doing was at her table studying about dragons. Okay I'm going to try again this time, I grabbed my Elytra and flew of to the Crystal Cliffs. 

I landed on Gems Elytra landing pad and knocked on the door. What am I doing, *knocks down the door.* *Puts the door back.*  "Gem!?" I yelled. "K-Katherine?" I hear a voice stutter. I run up the stairs to her library and there she is with the dragon egg. "Um h-hi." she says. "Gem, get some help." I say, walking over and sitting on the floor mat beside her. She stares at me, "what!? I didn't get frozen or anything it's-" She begins. But I cut her off, "no not that. All you've been doing is studying on that dragon egg. Take. A. Break!" I yell. Gem just stared at me, but then looked down. But I don't expect for silent tears to roll down her cheeks. "Gem!? I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way! I meant it like-" "No it's not that Katherine." Gem starts. "I-I have to protect this egg from Xornoth. It's the last one I can't let anything happen. And I just need to know more on this demon and dragons and. Joey and Sausage kidnapped me and Scott. Their going to do anything to get to the egg and my magic. I even learned that sausage was pulling magic from ME and SHEBLY. I-I. I don't want to let anyone down." Gem finished. All I could do was sit there for a bit. I couldn't speak, I never knew how Gem feels. But I need to help her so. "Gem. You're putting way to much pressure on yourself. Yes the egg has to be protected but, you need to be happy and safe too." And without thinking I gave her a big hug. 

Gems POV:

Without warning Katherine gave me a hug. I could feel my face heat up but, it felt. Warm. Not like staying near a fireplace. Not like practicing fire magic. Just. Warm. Katherine let go and smiled. I looked down but smiled back. "Well I have to go now." Katherine says. "See you later." "Goodbye." I say. With that she takes her rockets and flies away. I feel lucky to have a friend like Katherine. But, I need to keep studying the egg. Maybe for one more hour and then I'll take a break.

Two hours later

I know I said one hour but...just, I'll find something. Just then though I hear a knock on the door. Wonder who that is? I run down the stairs but realize I haven't eaten in so long. "Coming!" I yell. I open the door and standing down there is a tired Shelby.

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