"I'm not high!" - Karasuno X Male Reader

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-Shoyo POV-

I was waiting outside of the gym for practice. Y/N was meant to turn up by now. It's not like him to miss practice. I had only just started pulling him into participating in the volleyball club, considering he was usually lonely at lunches since I was always at practice. So I decided to drag him along with me at least 3 times a week. He doesn't seem to enjoy it but I think at this rate he is getting the hang of it. He usually watches from the benches supporting me or will do minor participation in rehearsal. So far, the team are a bit fond of him, Tanaka and Noya seem to like him a lot, in a friendly way of course, and Suga and Daichi are very kind to him. Eventually he came running towards me and stopping to catch his breath. 

"I'm sorry for being late Hinata!" He blurted. 


I looked up to face Shoyo, and he smiled as I finally turned up. I was only late by 4 minutes but it wasn't a big deal. He looked at me for 5 seconds and his face fell to concern. 

"Hey.. Y/N... are you ok?" He tilted his head onto his right shoulder. I was really tired to be honest. Haven't had much sleep or the time to shower. I felt well musty. 

"Huh?" I gazed out to face Hinata. He approached me and sniffed me.

"Ok you're being weird." I said to him.

"Are you on drugs Y/N??" He hissed at me.

"What do you mean?" I said to him response. He gave me a tight hug. 

"Oh my god..." He whispered. I should be the one saying that he's making a fucking fool out of himself Jesus. I felt something damp onto my shirt as Shoyo dug his face into my torso.

"Y/N drugs are bad for you... just why...?" He sniffled.

"Ok now you're embarrassing yourself." I said to him. "I'm not on drugs!" Shoyo pulled out his face to glare at me. 

"Well let's see what the others say!" He pouted and grabbed my wrist and taking me into the gym.

"EVERYONE! Y/N IS ON DRUGS!!" For the love of god. I am so humiliated right now. Everyone stared at me in surprise after Shoyo made the alarming announcement.  Everyone except Tsukki and Kags, who had shrugged and continued to tie their shoes. 

"Who cares if he does it, it's his choice." Tsukkishima said sternly until Suga tutted and gave him a death stare.

"Are you stupid? Are you aware that this is very serious??" He hissed at the tall blonde. He rolled his eyes at Sugawara and continued to tie his shoes. Tanaka and Noya both approached me and leaned into my face.

"Y/N... how and why are you doing drugs... and when I find your dealer he's getting-"

"GUYS IM NOT ON DRUGS!" I yelled. The gym went silenced and both second years had zoomed out of my face in surprise.  Daichi and Suga had approached me and pulled my cheeks, looking into my eyes and patting me down as if I was at the airport carrying contraband. 

"Well Y/N... if you're not on drugs... then what explains you're puffy red eyes, lack of attention, and funky body odor?" 

"Well ok... I haven't showered in a few days for starters... I haven't had enough sleep second of all, and thirdly I'm not on any drugs."

"Y/N... very valid points made but I'm afraid there isn't enough evidence to prove you're using illegal substances. Plus this is a major concern the police are going to have to be called. Everyone, practice today is cancelled this lunch time, however, we may still be active after school. So everyone is dismissed for now." Everyone groaned and glared at me as they walked out, except the 3rd years who had gathered around and Asahai pulled out his phone to dial the police. Suga pointed at the chair in the corner of the gym and signaled for me to sit down. Asahai then put the phone back in his pocket after his discussion and the 3 boys approached me.

"The police are on their way to test you... so we're going to stay with you to make sure you don't wander off... when it comes to situations like these... you may have to miss a part of your next period depending on how long it takes for the police to turn up. Do you know how to use a drug test Y/N?" Daichi said to me.

"For the last time... I'm not on fucking drugs..." This was really getting on my nerves.

"Yes or no Y/N do you know how to use a drug test?" Asahai said to me. I scoffed at him.

"Y/N... we know you don't want to admit it.. but why? Is something going on at home or somewhere that's bothering you? Are you being bullied?" Suga crouched down and placed a hand on my shoulder. I smacked his hand away as if I was a cat being teased.

"I'm not on drugs oh my god how many times??" 

-half an hour later-

The police arrived in the gym, two police men. The 3rd years walked over to them and greet them and pointed to me. Both officers then stepped away from the 3rd years and walked over to me.

"Hello you must be Y/N." The first officer said to me. "You will address me as officer Tom (IDK)."

"We need you to pee in a cup... I'm afraid." I know they're making me feel embarrassed as fuck right now. I sighed and took the cup and walked into the cupboard. I peed in the cup and god have I not felt this humiliated. Like, ever. When I came out I felt my heart beating our my chest in severe embarrassment as I handed over the cup of piss to officer Tom. He took a sample of my urine using a buffer tube with a nozzle cap, which he closed the lid and applying two drops to a device which determines whether or not I'm on drugs. We waited 2 minutes and there was a ping from the device and there was a sigh of relief from the 3rd years.

"Negative. You are free to go Y/N." I stormed out of the gym. I know they were concerned but they can't feel how I feel right now. Having to undergo that was so humiliating honestly. 

-time skip to the night-

I was on my phone after coming out of the shower and I got a message. I was added to a group chat. 

"Y/N we would all like to apologize for earlier. We had to act out of concern for your own safety, I hope you can understand. Now, the others are going to send you an apology for making you feel that way." The message was from Daichi and then my inbox had expanded with messages from Noya, Tanaka, Shoyo and the 3rd years. I decided to reply and tell them I accept their apology only if they never mention this incident again. 


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