Room For Two - KenHina X M! Reader

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I had a crush on Hinata for a while now. And that's until he began dating Kenma from Nekoma high school. Of course, it was long distance, but they always found ways to meet up if they had the time. Since Hinata assumed we were still friends he would tell me all about their dates at the bakery and how they would play video games and cuddle. It made me really jealous even though I was kinda happy for him. Just wish that was me. That's why I stopped coming to practice and left him on read. He felt concerned but at the same time sad and would always ask Kenma for advice as well as the teammates. The team even made the grumpy Tsukki follow me home and peek through my window, with Ethel Cain blaring through the speakers as I was on the sofa in a pile of scrunched up tissue boxes and crying into my noodle box. I didn't see him but even if I did, I wouldn't really give 2 shits.

Eventually day 4 of crying into noodles a̶n̶d̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶u̶s̶i̶c̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶s̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶d̶i̶e̶ he knocked on the door. In Tsukkishima's head it would have been something stupid he would regret for over a month. But he was only do it because he wanted me to shut up and wanted the team to stop bitching about me too. I got up from my stiff position of an upside cockroach and opened the door.

"Hey, I'm- oh it's you. I'm not com-"

"Stop crying." Excuse me? Like, I get he's bad at comforting people but *ahem* EXCUSE ME??

"UHM... WHO DO YOU THINK YOU-" Before I could finish, he barged past me and started cleaning my sofa and turned off my sad girl slay playlist. I shut door and walked over to confront him.

"How do you just tell me to stop crying and start doing my housework for me...?"

"They want me to do it. Be grateful." He huffed.

"Who's they?" I asked.

"The team you idiot." Oh. "They were worried about Hinata and then found out he was worrying about you like the baby he is."

"Hey now Shoyo isn't a baby, don't get brave."

"He acts like one though." Tsukki snorted.

"Ok well whatever... leave me in peace-"

"Y'know Y/N, I can be a bad friend but unlike you I don't worry them sick. He's been down in the dumps since you stopped talking to him and pretending, he's invisible. And to be honest I admire it, how- I MEAN you should stop making... him sad." I just ignored him as he got the hoover from my cupboard without asking and started cleaning the place.

"I won't be doing this everyday hopefully!" He yelled from the landing. I was annoyed. Like let me marinate in my own sadness please.

"One more thing before I go." He sighed after cleaning my house inside and out like a maniac. "You're coming to training camp tomorrow."

"No." I responded until he pushed the door open as I was about to slam it in his face.

"As I dislike Hinata, you're going to be nice to him, I'll make sure he stays away from you, so you don't have to feel awkward around him. Me and Tadashi are making sure of that, so sadly I'm going to be sitting with you on the bus."

"I'm not going."

"I can always send him to your house and throw stones at your window and guilt trip you, that would upset him more wouldn't it." He smirked. He got me fucking good.

"Ugh fine."

"Good." He smirked. Don't be late, try to get there as early as possible, earlier than Hinata. If you need help with that then I should be forced on that too."

Haikyuu X Male Reader: The Oneshots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now