First Meeting

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The Animatronics attend their first meeting and Marionette gets pressed for details.

Marionette's P.O.V.

"Hi. I am Marionette. Yes, I speak English well enough. I-I can tell you what you want to know, i-if that is what you are asking about."

The first day of school was quite good; it went well if that is what you are asking about. I met people and made friends which was nice. After school, I went home for a bit, then went back to get my uniform. It's quite a nice uniform. After that, I went home with my stepsiblings and went to bed for the night.

The next day, we all attended the first Animatronics meeting of the year. After school had ended, us Animatronics all went to our clubhouse for the meeting.

"Oh, it is m-massive plant, very round and...and bushy, I think is the word. It was a very big plant, and it was empty inside so we all could stand in it."

Freddy pushed the leaves to the side, and we all went inside. It was nice and big and really empty in it. A lot of us were sitting or standing inside and around as Fred Barry stood in the center to talk. Once everyone was inside, the meeting began. Fred Barry talked first and introduced us all to the faction and then had us all introduce ourselves. We had to say our name and faction name and then we went over the rules.

"Oh, they, euh...:"

"Un: Faction business is after school only."

"Deux: Do not break school rules."

"Trois: Respect authority."

"Quatre: Hail Scott Cawthon."

"And canque, follow faction protocol."

That was our rules, and we all agreed to them. After the rules were said, Fred Barry told us about some news about new members, members who had left, what The Nightguards were doing and about our Christmas Dance.

"I do not think the others would like me to tell you everything that happened at our meeting. We are quite private and secretive with our business."

"Well, afterwards, we went to my house for a sleepover."

"N-no thank you, I would rather not speak of what happened there."

"No, nothing bad happened, it is simply a private matter I-"

"With all due respect madame, I do not want to talk about it, especially for TV."

"No, I am not, I wish to keep my silence about what happened in a private sleepover. Why do you care so much anyway?"

"Alright, I-I think we're done here. Who's next?"

"Chica? Alright then, I will get her. Goodbye madame-ER-ma'am. Sorry, I'll just go."


"So how'd it go?"

"I told it as it was and said as little as I could while pretending that I didn't speak English very well."

"Did she buy it?"

"Just barely, but she was very insistent that I tell her what happened at the meeting and what happened at the sleepover."

"That's weird, why would a stranger be so pushy about a bunch of kids' activities, especially a sleepover? And why would she demand details of one?"

"I don't know, but I think the twins are right; she's up to something bad."

Author's Note

Small touch ups and such but not a whole lot done. I can't really think of stuff to do.

This chapter has always been a forever nightmare in my life so changes were minimal but I am happy with this chapter, even if it is really short and not full of much.

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