Cooking Time

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Cooking Time

Chica and friends talk about the upcoming potluck party hosted by her parents to meet some old friends. How nice.

Chica's P.O.V.

Well, hi there I'm Chica. Nice to meet you.

Howdy there. I am Chica Catherine McEggson. I can see y'all people laughing at my surname. It's ain't funny; please stop. Anyhow, I guess I'm here to tell y'all my story. So, let's begin.

It was a happy Thursday, a few days after the amazing dodgeball game we had in school. I was heading to my family's bakery with Bonnie, Freddy and Fionn, along with Jason, Evan, Fianna, Seán and of course Marionette.

"Oh, nothing much. We were just talking about accents. It wasn't special."

As we talked, we all trotted inside the bakery where the Toys were hanging out. Toby was playing Pokémon Black on his Nintendo DS with Ted, who was losing...again. He never wins. My lovely sister (obvious sarcasm is obvious) was doing her ridiculously stupid, awful makeup, and talking to her cat Cameron, a brown ragdoll cat. As I walked through the door and the little bell chimed, my cat Carl, also a brown ragdoll cat, ran up to me and began pawing at my boot. "Aww, hey there Carl. How ya doin'? Did ya miss me much?" I asked, cuddling him softly. He meowed and began walking around my friends. Fionn had been awesome and brought his baby brother (who is the cutest little thing I've ever seen) along with him in my doll pram, which was actually my pram when I was built.

"Born. It's our slang for bein' born. ...Ouch. Hey, it's good recyclin'. Yeah, and? Ma'am, there is nothin' wrong with bein' a bit weird."

Moving on, Carl wandered around and pawed at my friends, played with Marionette's strings and messed around with Jason's wires by pawing it like it were some dangly toy. He just blankly stared at Carl but left him be. "Howdy Chica. How are you?" T.C. asked, mocking my accent, like usual. She does this all the time; I'm used to it. "Oh hey, it's your trash cat." she continued. I ignored her, but Fionn didn't. He ran right up to her and shoved his hook in her face, silently daring her to say something again. "Hi mamá. We're home, and I brought my friends." I greeted, waving to my mamá behind the counter, hoping to cut the rising anger.

"My mamá is a tall (like 6ft tall) lady with blonde hair tied in a messy bun/ponytail and olive skin like me, but not tinted yellow. She always wears a white apron with the words "Let's Bake" written on it in pink letters. Why? Uh...OK...?"

"Hola, Chiquita, and hello to all of you friends." She said welcoming everyone by walking over. "Oh, you must be Señora Amelie's daughter. It's so nice to meet you. I'm Samantha McEggson, or Samantha Gallen y Pacheco, whichever you've heard me named. I'm an old friend of your mother's." Marionette gave a nervous nod to her; I think she got scared by how energetic my mamá is. "Now, y'all have fun; the door is to your left in the kitchen." She said before we all headed up to my house. We headed up to my room and I plopped right on my bed while the others sat down on the floor in a circle. "Alright so y'all know what's going on?" I asked. Everyone nodded, except Marionette and Seán. "OK, you two. We're fixin' to cook up some food ideas for the weekend potluck at Freddy's, and since y'all ain't never done one, we're gonna help ya." I explained.

The two nodded to me and we began.

"Oh, yeah, sure, I can do that, I guess. Well, nothin' interestin' happened, but Jason had to leave briefly to go get his new pills. Apparently he was havin' 'em changed or somethin', I don't remember all that well. I think it was called..."Risperidone" or somethin' like that. You'd have to go ask him, ma'am. I don't know Jason's medical history; why would I? You really do need to ask him. Why do you care so much anyway, it's just some pills?!"

Alright, well, we spent the rest of the day pounding out ideas and we all came up with some really good ones. Then we drew some pictures and played some board games, then left for home.

"I don't get it. Nothin' happened. Why is some random event so important to you? What do you mean? Why do I do what? Because I like to cook. It's why I help cook for the bakery. No, I am not bein' illegal; I do it for fun, and to get away from sister. No, my parents do not play favorites with us. Where on Scott's Earth are you getting these ideas? Unfavourite?! OK, yeah, my name isn't really a name since it means "Girl McEgggson" but my parents do not do that. Alright, we're done here. I'm not continuin' if you're talkin' like that about my family and my friends. I'm gettin' Fionn; we're done.

*Chica gets up from her chair and stalks off. The door slams behind her as she steps into the room.*

"Don't fall into her trap. She's tryin' to make you mad; she wants you to say something terrible. Watch your words."

"Thanks Chica."

"By the way. You're next, Fionn."

"Alright then."

"Be careful."

"I will, I promise."

*Fionn leaves as the door closes behind him. Chica scoffs.*

"Journalists. My tía Casey was right. You can't trust them, the snakes."

Author's Note

Name fixes and all.

The clue here is the same as the previous shorts. Just look at the punctuation and also pay attention to the dialog and how it reads out loud. Chica deliberately skimmed many details and stopped talking about the event altogether by the end. I wonder why?

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