Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Liam Payne

Chapter 5

Louis's POV

It has been an week and Harry is still at his mum's house. He should be coming back because rehearsals aren't the same without him. Management said if Harry does not show up in the next day or so,then they will cancel the tour. I told them not to worry.Harry would show up tomorrow.I'm sure.

When we practiced some songs for the tour it was different without Harry. We would have one of us boys sing his solo and they were kind of hard to do. The boys and I were not really in to rehearing because we were really worried about Harry. We sounded horrible and we were off pitch. The tour was in like week and we were not really ready. I did not want the tour to get cancel. The other boys agree with me.The fans would be disappointed and we did not want to upset them. Our fans are our world. We wouldn't be anywhere without them.

I know Harry loves Niall. He got really upset when he found out that Niall was dating Jaymee.His mood and attitude changed much. I was really worry about him now. I became so focused on Harry's change that I haven't had time for my girlfriend, Brisa. She would call and text me but I barely answered her. She started to get mad and she would sent me voicemails about how she missed and wanted to see me.I finally got back to her and told her what was all going on. She understood and was okay with it. I do love her and care for her but Harry was one of best friends and I cared for him too.

~The next day~

Harry still hasn't shown up. I tried calling and texting him.No answer.I can't take this anymore.I have not been focused on rehearsals this week because of Harry. I had to get him back here before we all went crazy.

"I'm thinking of going to Holmes Chapel this weekend. I'm going to check on Harry and get him to come back here"

"I'm coming with you." The other boys said.I reply with a no. They are seemed upset but I told them that I had to do this alone.

I went home that following night and started to pack my stuff. My flight to Holmes Chapel was early in the morning.After I was done packing,I took my pants & shirt off with now just having my boxers still on. I climbed into my bed then fell asleep peacefully thinking about tomorrow..

Harry's POV

It's been weeks and I haven't moved at all. My eyes are sore & puffy. I haven't stop crying.There are scars on almost ever part of both my arms.I have been cutting more.I do it in the morning and night now. My stomach has been empty for weeks. I haven't eat any food or drank anything. My life is horrible. The love my life doesn't love me back. He has a stupid girlfriend.I hate this life.

I don't deserve to be in this world anymore.No one loves me.I wish I was born liking girls not boys.I head downstairs to the kitchen. I open up the counter with all the pills.I grab the bottle & get a glass of water. I head back upstairs.I write my goodbye note.

"I love you,Mom & boys. I don't what I could do without you.My life sucks & I don't wanna be here anymore.I wish he would love me back and it hurts me." Harry xx

I put the pen down and place the note on the nightstand. I open up the bottle of pills and grab five of them out.I put them in my mouth and swallow them down with water. I do this again with five more pills.Tears are streaming down my face.

Louis's POV

I have arrived at Homes Chapel. I get a taxi and give them Harry's mum address. 20 mins later,I'm at the house. I knock on the front door.The door opens and I see a brown haired women.

"Hello,Mrs.Cox. Is Harry here?"

"I'm sorry Louis,but no.He hasn't been here for a while."

"What do you mean?He told me that he was here.It has been weeks and he hasn't been seen. He doesn't answer his calls or texts. Where could he be?"

"Maybe he is at his home.Did you check there?"

"Oh no.Why didn't I think of that first?I would love to stay but I have to head back to London now.It was lovely talking to you,Mrs.Cox"

"You too,Louis.See you soon"

I smile and say goodbye to Mrs.Cox before heading back to the airport. 

Shit.Shit.Shit.I repeated to myself.I need to hurry before Harry does something.I'm scared and worried. I get on the next flight to London.I arrive in London and rushed to Harry's house.

I knock on the front door multiple times.But no answer.Oh fuck! I'm freaking out now.I try all the doors and windows in his house to see if any of them are opened. I get lucky.One of the windows in the living room is open.I climb inside the house.Harry isn't there.I rush upstairs to Harry's room.I burst his door open.I see him in this bed sleeping.I go to him and try to wake him up."Harry"I repeated severely times.No answer.He isn't breathing.I grab my phone and call the paramedics.

"What's your emergency?" 

"My friend isn't breathing.I don't know what's wrong"?I look over by nightstand to see a bottle of pills with the lid.Oh shit. 

"He took some pills.Come here now" 

"Sir,We will be there shortly.Can I have the address?"I give them the address before hanging up.

I wait till they arrived with my arms around Harry's cold body.I looked to see his arms have scratches all over them.He has been cutting.The paramedics finally arrive and rush upstairs to Harry and put him on a stretcher.I call the other boys and Harry's mum on the way to the hospital.

Niall's POV

"What?I'll be on my way" I say to Louis on the phone.I am currently with Jaymee."Harry is ill.I have to head to the hospital right now."I'm coming with you"Jaymee says.I agree.We get into the car and drive quickly to the hospital.

I'm freaking out right now.This is worst then the time that I kissed Liam. 

I'm not gay.I think.I'm straight.I'm not bi or am.I don't know.Liam got kinda of got weird out that night.I told him to worry.I was probably just drunk or something.

We finally get to the hospital to see the other three boys and Harry's mum."How is he?What happened?"I say to Louis all shaky."He took some pills and kinda of overdose."Louis said crying.I started to sob with the other boys and Harry's mum was the worst. We sat there for hours.Wait for answers about Harry.The doctor finally came out with a sad look.

"Oh no.He's dead.What's wrong?"I said to the doctor. 

"He is not dead.We were able to get the pills out of his system but he fell into a coma.He could be out for days. weeks. months. years.."

I'm crying loudly right now but Jaymee isn't anywhere to be seen.This is devasting.My best friend try to kill him.

Liam's POV

"When can we see him?"I ask the doctor. 

"Sure,but only two at a time." 

I grabbed Louis's hand and ask him to come with me.We headed to Harry's room and open up the door.

" try to kill yourself.You fag. Niall will never love you.He loves me.You should die right now.I can help you with that."

Louis and I look to see its Niall's girlfriend.She pulls a knife out and points the knife at Harry's neck.

Stop.....We yelled.


So..There is Chapter 5! What did you think? Comment.Vote.Fan.

<3-Jaymee :)

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