Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Harry's POV

1 Month Later

"Ok. Thanks, Uncle Si. Bye"

I have just called Simon that Niall and I wanted to tell the world about us. He was unsure at first, but I finally convinced him that we were ready. The band was scheduled for an interview on Saturday. We would announce that Narry was indeed real. I was scared as shit and Niall was probably the same way. My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of my sexy boyfriend.

"So, what's going on?" Niall looked like a nervous wreck. I have not even told him about what is going down. I'm afraid that he might freaked out after I tell him. So I quickly let the words spill out of my mouth. "wearecomingoutonsaturday." I could not understand any of those words that just came out of my mouth. I would not be surprised if Niall did not either. "What?" I really did not want to say it again but I did. Only this time, slower and clearer.

"We have an interview on Saturday. That's when we tell the world about us." Niall stared at me for moment before nodding. I was relived that he did not freaking out. He was still indeed a nervous wreck though. I wrapped my arms around him and I told him that everything would fine. He smiled a little and I gave him a small kiss on his forehead. The rest of night consisted of us laying around and cuddling. Sometimes sneaking in a few kisses.

I hope that Niall does not back out this time. We were suppose to come out last month but he changed his mind at the last second. I accepted his choice and told him that I was ready when he was. The day after that, we barely discussed it. That was the case until last Wednesday. Niall had came to me that night with the look on his face. The look that he had something on his mind. I have been around him so much in the last few years that I always knew what was up. "I'm ready."

When Niall first said those words, I took it the wrong way. I thought he was ready to make love. I knew that I was ready for Niall. Duh. I have been waiting almost a year to call him mine. But,I did not pay attention to the words he said after. He looked at me funny and repeated the words. This time I understood. "I'm ready to tell the world about us."

"Are you sure,Ni? I asked.

I would make sure everyday after that Niall was not regretting his decision. I was finally confident enough to call Simon after three days. It is currently Sunday morning. I watch my boyfriend sleep peacefully. He is such a cute sleeper. I have not been up that long at all. My mind was filled with worries about Saturday. I'm hoping that our fans will accepted us. I know that we will get hate and lose some fans.I snap out of my thoughts and check the time on clock. It's pretty early and I could snooze for a little longer. I close my eyes and I'm out in minutes.


Three days have passed. It is currently Wednesday evening. The lads and I have just enjoy a lovely dinner at Nandos. The European part of our tour would start sometime next week. I was unsure of what date at this moment. The other three said that they would be there for us when we told the world. In exactly three days, everyone would know. I was hoping for the last three days to go slow.

Liam,Louis and Zayn decided to go out to the club after dinner. Niall and I denied. We would fear that the paps could snap a picture of us kissing or something. Then our news would have to come out sooner. Niall and I definitely do not want that.

Liam's POV

It has exactly been a month since Shayna and I have spoken. We have said a word to each other since our fight. The fight that ended everything between us. I love Shayna with all my heart. But, I could not be in relationship full of lies. After that day, I was anger at myself. I can not believe that I called her "inconsiderate little bitch". The words replay in my head. I wish I did not say them.

A week after, I was finally calmed down enough to apologize. I'd called Shayna about 5 times a day. She would never. Her phone was eventually disconnected. I was heartbroken and upset at myself. I ruined everything. I thought Shayna was the one and I messed it up. I should have let her explain. How could have I been so stupid?

The UK part of the tour had just ended. We had a week or so break. I would have gone visit my family. But,they would have known something was wrong with me. I regretted it in the beginning. But, I knew I was making the right choice.

I am currently at the club with Zayn and Louis. I decided going with the lads to forget my feelings about Shayna. I had to move on. She moved on. I thought a few drinks would help. I had to get out tonight. I have not been out in almost a week. I kept asking the bartender for an alcoholic beverage. He finally stop giving me drinks after he thought I was drunk. I don't remember much after that.


I woke up the next morning with a huge hangover. I wish I did not drink last night. I'm regretting it now. My stomach turns and I rushed to the bathroom. My stomach contents emptied out into the toilet.

Stupid feelings.

Stupid love.

Niall's POV

1 hour. 20 minutes. until the world knows about Narry. I'm scared as shit right now. I bet Harry feels the same. I can not even move and I only have 20 minutes to get ready. I force myself into a shower. I get out of the shower and dress quickly. I have only 5 minutes left until we head to the interview.


The time has come. We go live in less than 2 minutes. I entwined my fingers with Harry's. He gives me a look that's says everything will be ok. I nod. I let go of Harry's hand once we head on the stage.

The interviewer introduces herself as Abby. We talked about how the tour and upcoming music. She asks a few questions before asking the most dreading one.

"Who's single?

Zayn and Louis both shouted "Us"

Liam says "It's complicated"

Harry says "I'm not"

My turn is up. "I'm not"

"Who are you two dating?

I looked at Harry and he nods for the go.

"I'm dating..."

"Me. He's dating me." It's not the voice of Harry. It's Jaymee.


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