Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Shayna Pickwoad


So I accidentally deleted this chapter and I didn't have it saved anywhere. So I decide to rewrite it all. I didn't like the orginal that much. Anyways on with the chapter. Enjoy! :)

Chapter 7

Niall's POV

My life has been crap for the past week. I would say that this is one of the worst weeks of my life. I just wanna scream and let out all the pain that I'm feeling right now.

"Harry try to kill himself"

"My girlfriend..I mean EX-girlfriend is a completed psycho."

She try to hurt Harry. Kill him. I wanna know why through. Was she jealous of mine & Harry's friendship. The tears start to stream down my face again. I'm sitting in the chair next to Harry's hospital bed and holding his hand. His hand is ice cold. I wish he would move or something. I can't stand to see him like this. I can't believe this happening right now.

Harry in a coma.


Liam's POV

"Owww" I scream in pain when I try to get up off the couch to get my crutches. The wound on my leg still hurts a ton. It has been a few days since it has happened but it still cause me to scream every time. There is only one positive about getting stabbed in the leg.


Yeah,that's right. She is my love at first sight. When I laid,my eyes on her, I knew she was the one. I know it sounds strange to say that because I just met her. But,I get all nervous and butterflies in my stomach when I think about her.

I decide I need to go see Shayna. I'm not allowed to drive do to my leg so I call a cab. The cab arrives and I hope in. I gave the address of the hospital to the driver and he starts heading there. The cab arrives at the hospital and I hand the cash to driver before running into the hospital.

I never been so excited to go to a hospital but Shayna just makes me so happy. I knew she would be here today because she told when I was here that she is always here on Thursday. Before heading up to go see Shayna,I decide that I should go see Harry. I get onto the elevator and press the button to floor where he is at. I head into his room and I see the cutest thing ever.

Harry & Niall cuddling.

They are just so adorable. They would be the perfect couple. I laugh. It could never happen through because none of them are gay.I poke Niall in the shoulder to get him up. He moans and mumbles something but still stays asleep. "Niall,wake up" He opens up his eyes and looks to see me. "Li,what are you doing here?"

"I came here to see how Harry was doing?"

"He is doing good. He is still in same condition as he was before. But I know that will change soon. Btw..How's your leg?"

"That's good.My leg is still in pain but the meds are working."I laugh. "Jaymee is a total b--

"Bitch" Niall interrupts."I know,Li. I feel so stupid for dating her. I was such a fool,you know." Tears streamed down his face.

"Aww..Ni,don't cry. It's not you fault. Why don't I go get your some food from the cafeteria. Food always cheers you up." Niall laughs and then nods. I say goodbye to him and Harry before leaving to go see Shayna.

I arrive on floor where Shayna is at. I look around for and I can't seem to find her. I turn to a corner and see a beautiful brunette. I smile.

That's her. Shayna. The girl that I love.

I walk towards her with my heart beating fast. "Hey" I say nervously. She replays back with "Hey,Liam. How are you? Do you need anything?"

"'m good. I came to see you. I like you. I know we just met and stuff but I have fallin hard for you"

"Aww...your so sweet. I must say myself that I kinda of have a crush on you too." She blushes. I smile big. I'm so happy. "So I was thinking that we should go on a date sometime. What do you think?"

"I would love that. Are you doing anything on Saturday?"

"I'm all yours baby. I have something special plan. See you at 6 on Saturday."

She nods and we exchanged phone numbers. She wraps her arms around and we hug. I say goodbye to her and headed off to go get Niall his food.


Niall's POV

Where is Liam with my food? I'm starving. I say to myself. I decide I can't take it any longer and so I go to check out what Liam is doing. I start to get up when a hand grabs my shirt.

"Ni,Please stay with me."


Chapter 7. What did you think?




<3 Jaymee

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