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I woke to a pain in my head, cursing the Moonshine I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. I shouldn't have drank; it had been reckless of me to do so. Life on the ground was dangerous. The Mountain Men were no longer a threat but that didn't mean we were safe. We weren't out of the woods just yet.

I stalked outside, my gun slung firmly over my shoulder. My stride was bold and full of purpose but it was all a charade. My muscles ached. I felt broken inside and out but I couldn't rest any longer. I had work to do. We had rescued our people from Mount Weather but now it was my job to keep them safe.

Lincoln couldn't predict how his people would react to our victory at Mount Weather. Lexa had severed our alliance when she had made the deal with Dante. She had surrendered her army to have her people freed. Essentially trading our people for hers. She had betrayed us all. Our alliance with the Grounders was as dead as the Mountain Men.

Lincoln was no longer welcome amongst them. Indra had let him choose his alliance and he choose to stand with Octavia, with us. His alliance with us was a betrayal to his people; which he knew wouldn't be taken lightly.

The Grounders double standards were almost laughable. They frowned upon Lincoln's loyalty, yet where was their loyalty to us. We had kept up our end of the bargain. We had sacrificed Finn for them to just go and betray us anyway. We had sacrificed Finn for nothing.

We were at war with the Grounders again or at least we expected to be. Although their betrayal stung we wouldn't take revenge. None of us wanted another war. We wouldn't attack them, but we would be ready if they did. We didn't want another war but if they forced us we would give them one.

I hoped for Finn's sake it wouldn't come to that but deep down I thought peace with the Grounders was impossible. I hoped I was wrong. A little bit of peace on the ground was certainly overdue.

There was tension in the Camp, with Clarke gone, Abby and Kane were both rallying for control. Kane wanted to go to the Grounders to purpose peace to appose the war before it came. Abby rightly didn't trust their word and instead wanted us to prepare to fight, in the hope that it wouldn't come to one.

I agreed with Abby, I believed Clarke would have too. I wished she were here. She would have known what to do but in the meantime I would help keep our people safe. If a war was coming we would be ready for it.

The last time the Grounders attacked, we were at a disadvantage. We were low on bullets. We were delinquents doing our best to survive. We were stronger now. We had survived so much and we now had the help of the guard and no shortage of weapons. We had beaten them before and we would beat them again. This time the odds would be in our favor.

A strict schedule was put into place. The guard would uphold our perimeters making sure nobody infiltrated our gates, while taking shifts to train our people to fight. I took up a position helping the guard, I wasn't appointed the position but nobody apposed it. I'd proven my worth at Mount Weather; Octavia had too. Nobody dared to challenge either one of us, when we began to train our friends.

"The Tree Crew don't rely on weapons and we shouldn't either. What doesn't kill them makes them stronger. What doesn't kill us make us stronger. Say it with me. What doesn't kill us..." Octavia proclaimed boldly rallying our friends into a chorus.

I raised my eyebrows at her smirking, Octavia was fearless now. "I guess this means you don't want another pony ride O," I mocked in half a whisper so that only she could hear.

She smiled brightly then shoved me away forcefully. My eyebrow shot up in surprise as I almost lost my balance. I knew Octavia was tough now but her strength still surprised me.

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