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"Put the gun down," I plead desperately, "You don't need to do this."

His glare is menacing, his thunderous crackle even more so.

Panic stricken I scan the room, looking for an escape route but it's no use the only exit is behind me. If I turn to run, I'll never make it through the door before he shoots me with my own rifle.

"You. You did this," he repeats in a growl still crackling uncontrollably, sounding not just mad but deranged. "How. How could you!"

"You gave me no choice," I cry out, my voice cracking with guilt.

His eyes are feral now as he advances towards me like a lion preparing to pounce on its prey. I'm the prey, the defenceless deer and for a moment I'm paralysed by fear.

Then my instincts kick in and I spring to life, swooping towards him I go to grasp my rifle. My fingers claps around the muzzle and I manage to point it away from me as I struggle against him, trying to overpower him, trying to get my rifle back.

In my mind I scorn myself for going for the weapon instead of attacking him and my mistake costs me. Emerson is too strong. Almost effortlessly he whips the rifle from my feeble grasp and in one swift move swings it against my head like a bat.

The butt of the rifle connects with my forehead forcefully and I cry out in pain as my vision blurs. The pain makes my head spin with an overwhelming dizziness and the next thing I know my legs have buckled beneath me and I'm lay on the floor amongst the bodies.

I blink rapidly trying to fight the dizziness, but it's no good the pain is too intense. The image of the swamp of bodies beside me is soon replaced with darkness; and the last thing I hear is Emerson's menacing crackle as I fade into nothingness.


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