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I shove the earth doll forcefully into Lincoln's chest demanding, "What is this thing?"

He takes it from me, looking both annoyed and surprised as he asks, "Where did you get this?"

"I'm the one asking the questions here, so quit stalling and just tell me what you know!"

"Bellamy," Octavia scorns her gaze steely.

"Stay out of this O."

Lincoln remains quiet as he inspects the earth doll closely. Turning it over and over is his hands thoughtfully. I feel my anger rising and rising with each flick of his wrist.

"Damn it Lincoln. If you know what the hell that is then start talking."

"Bellamy! Will you please calm down," Octavia warns, her voice going up an octave.

"I'll calm down when I know our friends are safe. When I know what the hell we're up against!" I rant on, unable to control my temper, "Clarke and Jasper are still out there O. Our drop ship is a blasted blood bath-"

"You found this at the drop ship?" Lincoln interrupts suddenly serious.

I exhale deeply, pinching the bridge of my nose to help calm my temper. Then I nod.

He shakes his head frowning, "That doesn't make any sense."

I glower at him impatiently until he starts to elaborate.

"It's a talisman. My people," he glances at Octavia as he corrects himself, "The Trikru, they believe these ward off bad energy. They are used along side a sacrifice to cleanse the spirits."

"Witchcraft?" I exclaim incredulously.

"Ancient Pagan Practice, yes."

I look away. Letting the words sink in, while trying to make sense of them. While trying to understand what this meant for us, for Clarke and Jasper.

Absently I watch as Raven joins us. She wraps her arms around Wick, pulling him close as she tenderly kisses his cheek. Their greeting reminds me of Clarke's goodbye. I instantly stiffen at the memory, letting out a tortured groan. At the sound of my distress all eyes turn towards me sharply.

Wicks eyes suddenly flash with jealousy as he possessively holds Raven challenging, "You got a problem Blake?"

I narrow my eyes at him, suddenly understanding his prying eyes. They made perfect sense now. Wick thought I had feelings for Raven.

Clearly my reputation betrayed me because surely he should know I do not have feelings for girls, except perhaps one.

No! I was Bellamy Blake and Bellamy Blake did not have feelings for girls...

Yet, I couldn't deny the voice in my head suddenly shouting Clarke's name over and over again. Clearly the voice didn't know me very well either. At least that's what I would keep telling myself anyway. That's what I had to keep telling myself.

Forcing my thoughts away I retort, "I have a long list of problems! You two lovebirds aren't one of them," I glare at him coldly.

"Wick," Raven scorns, making me wonder whether or not she had told him about our night in my tent. Though that time seemed so long ago now. So much has happened since then. So much had changed since then.

I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from mentioning it though. The old Bellamy wouldn't have bitten his tongue. The old Bellamy wouldn't have kept our time in my tent a secret.

I didn't want to be the old Bellamy anymore though. I wanted to be better. I wanted to be respected not despised. So I would keep our time together a secret.

There is tension in the air still. This time it's a mixture of apprehension and awkwardness. Everyone is aware of it because everyone is silent.

"Tell me more about this Ancient Pagan Practice," I say breaking the silence and changing the subject away from Wicks jealously, "What does it mean for Clarke and Jasper?"

"I'm not sure," Lincoln offers unhelpfully.

"Not sure! That isn't good enough!" I hiss through gritted teeth, struggling to keep my anger in check.

My knuckles burn angrily. They're a fierce reminder of my earlier outburst. Small cuts had formed on my knuckles after I had hit that tree and suddenly they burn like fire. I rub my fist into the palm of my hand, trying to soothe them.

Lincoln frowns. Then brings the talisman up to his nose, he sniffs at it briefly. Before instantly dropping it to ground as though it had scolded his skin.

His eye suddenly wild and fierce he demands, "Let me see your hands." I can't hide the annoyance from my face as I laming hold out my hands.

When Octavia sees my raw knuckles she scorns, "Bellamy who did you hit this time?"

"A tree. I hit a tree O," I slur, my tongue suddenly feeling foreign in my mouth.

Lincoln grabs my hands, turning them over to reveal my palms, which to my surprise are an angry red colour.  

"Who else touched the talisman?" Lincoln asks his eyes suddenly wild with panic.

"You and I, and Miller," I slur, touching my tongue with my fingertip because it feels swollen in my mouth.

His board grip suddenly clasps my wrist; pulling my hand away from my mouth as he says dismally, "Don't do that. The Talisman is poisoned."





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