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Clutching the earth made doll in my fist I leave the drop ship. When I step outside I'm met with 6 pairs of worried eyes, all wondering the same thing, whether or not I had found a body.

Silently I shake my head and they all sigh with relief. I envy their relief. I'll only feel relief when I know Clarke and Jasper are safe. I need to know Clarke is safe. I need Clarke to be safe.

I grab the radio from my pocket, clearing my throat before I speak into it, "Kane- Abby- The drop ship is empty, but there's something you should see. It's- it's a blood bath in there."

It's Raven who replies, her voice laced with worry, "That doesn't sound good. Are you all ok, any sign of Clarke or Jasper?"

"Negative. We're all-" I want to say ok but seeing Monty's pained expression it seems like such a lie, so instead I announce, "We're- We're heading back to camp. I need to speak to Lincoln-"

Monty splutters, "No," interrupts me, "Forget Lincoln. We're going to Mount Weather to get Jasper!" he's flays his arms in the air like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Monty..." I plead willing him to understand.

"We don't have time for this!" He chokes while looking to the others, clearly wanting them to back him up. They all remain silent, flickering their eyes back and forth between the two of us awkwardly.

His shoulders sag forward in a sign of defeat and for a moment I think he's accepted our change of plan. When he sprints off into the woods, I realize I'm wrong. He hasn't accepted the change. He's going off on his own, as soon as I realize this I chase after him.

I chuck the doll aside and race after him as fast as my legs will carry me shouting angrily, "Monty get back here. Don't be an idiot!"

Considering he's such a computer nerd he sure can run fast. It takes me awhile to finally catch him but when I do I forcefully tackle him to the ground. He struggles against me, cursing my name under his breath.

I force him onto his back, clutching the collar of his jacket as I growl angrily, "Damn it Monty, are you trying to get yourself killed. We can't be out here looking for you too!"

He gazes back at me his expression sad and apologetic, the worry I feel written all over his features. Abruptly I release his collar and send my fist flying into a nearby tree.

All the dread I feel fuels my fist as I bury it into the tree once again cursing, "We need to stick together. Damn it. We need to stick together," ignoring the pain in my knuckles, which is nothing, compared to the pain I feel inside.

I know I'm overreacting. I know I'm losing my temper, but I feel so helplessly out of control. How can I keep everyone safe if they keep going off on there own.

How can I keep it together without Clarke by my side. How can I stay grounded without her, without knowing she's safe.

I rest my palm against the tree letting my head fall forward as I struggle to steady myself and my now labored breathing as I repeat over and over in my head, "Keep it together Bell, Keep it together."

I hear Wick helping Monty to his feet muttering, "The Hulk over there is right, we should stay together. Jasper will be fine, he's smart like you Monty man," and I'm suddenly glad Wick decided to join us after all.

Cautiously Miller taps my shoulder, gesturing to the earth made doll in his hand he asks, "What is this thing?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm hoping Lincoln knows. We check in with him first. Then we head to Mont Weather," I look towards Monty who defeatedly nods in agreement. When we all silently head back to camp I can almost smell the tension in the air.



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I'm spending my Saturday night in listening to Imagine Dragons newest album because I'm cool like that. :)


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