The Rescue

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We had been walking for 3 hours straight, when the sun began to rise, turning the blue sky to orange. Light now seeped through the branches chasing away the shadows, making it easier for us to navigate through the trees.

My boots were heavy and my legs tired. The after effects of the poison was still taking its toll on me and I struggled to keep up with the others. I was determined not to slow us down though.

We couldn't waste anymore time. Clarke and Jasper had been out on their own far too long already. I would rest once we had found them, once I knew they were safe.

I was both apprehensive and eager to get to Mount Weather. The horror of the blood bath at our dropship was playing on my mind and I couldn't help but worry what had happened there. Who all that blood had once belonged too..

Not Clarke. Please not Clarke. I pleaded silently over and over in my mind.

She had to be at Mount Weather she just had to be!

We walked in silence, the only sound came from our boots and the rhythmic clip clop of the horses huffs against the ground.

Lexa rode the first horse up ahead, leading us towards Mount Weather. Her knowledge of the forest was an added advantage. With her as our guide we had navigated through the trees at ease, despite the poor light. All the while taking the shortest route. I hadn't been thrilled about her accompanying us but so far she seemed to be useful.

Octavia rode the second horse. She sat barebacked on the black mare, looking proud and powerful. As I watched her I couldn't quite believe I was watching the very same girl who had once clung onto my back begging me for another pony ride. That time seemed so long ago. Of course Octavia had been much younger back then, she was still my little sister but she was no longer the little girl from my memories.

Her smile was a shadow of her younger self, despite the war paint she now wore, her smile was just as I remembered. It was refreshing to see her smile, when everybody else wore a somber expression.

I wished our mother could see her riding the horse. Our mother's favourite story had always been that of Pegasus, Poseidon's white winged horse. The horse that Octavia rode was neither white nor winged but it was magnificent nonetheless.

"Why are we stopping?" Monty complained, stomping ahead to catch up with the others, who had indeed come to halt.

Lexa and Octavia were dismounting their horses. Following after Monty I raced forward, ignoring the ache of my muscles and the heaviness of my head. The poison had severely weaken me but I was dammed if I would let it show.

Wordlessly Lexa gestures up ahead, where the gates of Mount Weather were visible. Seeing our destination in sight makes my muscles tense and my adrenaline kick in. Suddenly my tiredness is muted by anticipation of finally finding Clarke.

Monty doesn't wait for any further answer to his question. Instead he stomps wordlessly ahead towards the gates. His apprehension makes his steps clumsy though, for he seems to stumble over his own feet. Quickly I fall in step with him, putting my hand on his shoulder as if to reassure and steady him at the same time.

At first he seems annoyed by my gesture, because he turns to glare at me. His annoyance however is soon replaced by the same desperation and determination that is no doubt mirrored in my own eyes.

When we cross over the threshold into Mount Weather a cold chill seems to creep from the shadows and travel down my back. I've never been the superstitious type but there was something cold and unsettling about the atmosphere that gave me the creeps.

The corridors are deserted and dark, lit only by the sun seeping through the gate we had left slightly ajar behind us. Monty and I walk in silence but my ears are alert hearing only our own footsteps and steady breaths.

As if to prepare myself I exhale deeply before I enter level 9 but there's nothing that can prepare me for the horrific sight that meets me. For a swamp of bodies with vacant eyes and blistered skin lay just where we had left them.

Their vacant eyes seer me with an intense guilt that burns deep inside my chest. I did this to them. Clarke and I did this and it's too late to take it back, too late to save them.

"Lexa is guarding the horses. We should split up, cover more ground, the sooner we find them the better." Lincoln warns, his expression serious.

I nod curtly dragging my eyes away from the bodies, I wasn't here for them, I was here to find Clarke. Clarke and Jasper. Once we found them though, we would have to move the array of bodies, leaving them there just wasn't right.

I broke into a steady jog, searching room after room, corridor after corridor. Adrenaline and panic rising and rising after each deserted corridor and empty room. My steady jog turns into a sprint, I'm running as fast as my legs will carry me.

Finally I find her!

When I first lock eyes on her my whole body freezes and I feel as though even my heart has frozen still. For she's chained by the far wall by her arms and her head lulls forward unnaturally and lifelessly. Her blond hair is matted with blood and her skin is pale with a greyish tint. Looking at her from across the room I'm certain she's dead.

Clarke's dead I realise with horror. I was too late, too late to save her. My eyes burn with anguish and I clamp them shut, trying to vanquish the tears that are ready to escape.
A million thoughts and emotions bubble in my mind and I clamp my eyes tighter trying to silence them.

But then I hear my name, "Bellamy," She murmurs in barely a whisper, my eyes flash open and relief floods through me as I rush towards her.

She hasn't moved, her body is still lifeless, her head still lulled forward, but her lips sound out my name again.

"Bellamy," She murmurs faintly.

I cup her cheeks in my hands and kiss her forehead. Still holding her face in my palms my eyes level with hers just as they flutter open and her cool blue eye gaze back at mine.

I kiss her forehead again, my lips lingering on her cold skin just long enough for me to realise that I'm shaking. I exhale a loud sigh of relief then kiss her forehead once more.


Apologises for taking so long to update!!
I've been really busy lately.
Plus I hit some sort of writers block around the bit about the horses, even though I knew how the chapter would end; I just couldn't seem to find the right words. But I got there in the end..

I've been a little absent from Wattpad recently too, so have a lot of reading to catch up with but don't worry I haven't forgotten about you all!

Thanks again for reading and your:
They mean the world!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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