Chapter 40 - Pete's POV

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"My ship went down, in a sea of sound..." Alex sang, playing along with his guitar as he closed his eyes and made half the crowd burst out into tears. Charlie's friend, Fran, was crying too. I wondered what she would be like when she met the band. Charlie had told me that she was a huge fan but the same went for Mandy and she hadn't really freaked out when meeting Alex back at the club when I had met Charlie.

I looked at Charlie from the side, watching her mouth along to the lyrics. She wasn't crying but she was definitely feeling the song as well. So was I, I had already had a few drinks at the bar before coming backstage. First, we had wanted to join the crowd but then we had agreed it would be better not to and just watch backstage, especially because that was a bigger thing for Fran. She had kept thanking me for getting the tickets but I had told her to thank Alex once she met him later. Charlie watched Alex sing, mouthed along and swayed from left to right slightly, just almost not visibly and I couldn't help but stare at her. I wasn't always like that but sometimes, it just got me that we were back together and that everything was going so great. I loved her so much and I wanted to tell her every second of the day but I didn't want to scare her away. Sometimes, I watched her and wanted to just be closer to her and then I remembered that I could, that we were back together.

I wrapped my arms around her from behind and she turned, leaning into me and kissing me for just a moment. Then she looked up at me. "Is everything okay?" she whispered. I nodded quickly, maybe too quickly. Because not everything was okay. I watched her enjoy the show, knowing she had no idea. I felt bad for not telling her something that obviously concerned her but I just couldn't, not after last time. I didn't want to ruin the night for her, I didn't want to ruin anything for her. I just wanted her to be happy and I wanted to protect her but I knew that she wouldn't let that happen if she knew. I didn't even want to think about it so I just kept my mouth shut and let her enjoy the show. She would find out eventually, there was no way around it, the minute she would go online, she would probably know and I didn't want her to find out that way, I wanted to warn her before but I just couldn't. I didn't want to be the one making her sad. Maybe it was also because I felt like it was kind of my fault.

We watched the rest of the show and then, when Alex and the others came back from their dressing room, Charlie and I introduced Fran to them. "It's so amazing to meet you, thank you for the ticket" Fran said and shook their hands. "You're welcome" Alex smiled. "I should really make a call though, I'm sorry" he said. It didn't seem to matter to Fran that he excused himself though because she only had eyes for Jack. And who was Jack not to have eyes for only her? She talked to Zack and Rian for a few minutes but then Rian was on the phone too and Zack put on a shirt and announced he was leaving for the gym. "The show was amazing" Fran said to Jack who was left behind but didn't seem to mind at all. "Thanks. Sorry about all of them leaving like that, they've all got girlfriends to call. Losers" he grinned. Fran laughed. "Yeah, lame. But it's fine, you're still here." "Yeah, I haven't got any plans. And I don't know about Charlie and Pete but can I take Fran off your hands or do you also want to go for a drink?" Fran smirked. "Who said I wanna go for a drink?" Jack raised his eyebrows in acted surprise. "You don't?!" She laughed. "I do." Jack nodded, holding his arm out for her. "Alright then" he said and she linked arms with him.

"I think I want to go home" Charlie said. I nodded slowly. "Alright, I'll go with you then. But you have to drive, I'm kinda drunk." She hugged Fran goodbye and when we reached the car, she turned to me. "You're letting me drive? Even more pregnant than when we were driving to New York?" I shrugged. "Well, we know now that I'm not a very good driver." She shook her head in disbelief. "Pete, it wasn't your fault" she said when she started the car. I swallowed hard. "I don't know..." "Come on." I sighed. I didn't want to keep telling her it was my fault but I also didn't want her to pretend it wasn't. I decided to shut up. I knew that I couldn't keep anything from her but I wanted to spare her for as long as possible, the later she found out, the later she would be sad. But she would be sad anyway. And she would feel insecure and I didn't want her to. I hated this, I hated it all. Why was there always something wrong? Why could nothing ever be perfect?

We arrived at the house and I opened the door of the car for her. It was starting to show that she was pregnant but not too much, only on her stomach but nowhere else, maybe because she barely ate anything because she constantly felt sick. We walked up the stairs and I unlocked the door. "Are you tired too?" she asked. I nodded. "Yeah, sort of." "I think I'll watch some TV" she announced and took off her shoes. "Feels so weird to get out of my shoes and not have the feeling to still be wearing heels" she said and put her jacket away. I shrugged. "You look good anyway." She looked at me sceptically and I took a few steps forward, taking her face into my hands and kissing her. She smiled on my lips and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. I rested my forehead against hers. "I love you" I said almost automatically and I saw her blush, she moved forward and hid her face at my chest. I laughed, running my fingers through her hair. "How is that embarrassing?" I chuckled but she just squeaked, staying close to me.

We spent the evening just watching TV. I kept switching the channels between sitcoms and talk shows but Charlie was half-asleep most of the time anyway. Luckily, she didn't have her phone and I didn't want her to check it either but I knew that before going up to go to bed, she would take her phone out of her handbag to check for messages and then she would charge it on the nightstand. And that meant that before going to bed, this was going to upset her and I wanted her to stay happy and calm like she was now because she didn't deserve it, she didn't deserve any shit coming her way. I knew it wasn't my fault but for some reason, I still had that feeling that it was. And I hated it, I really did.

When I untangled our arms to get up and go to the kitchen, I tried not to wake Charlie. But then, just when I was about to finish my water, I heard her say something. "I'm going upstairs, I don't wanna sleep on the couch" she said and I heard the zipper of her handbag which meant she was taking her phone. I put the glass down and hurried after her, she was already in the bedroom. "Charlie, wait" I said. She looked at me. "Huh?" She seemed confused, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Please, don't check your phone, not now." She raised her eyebrows. I sat down next to her and tried to take her phone from her. "At least not now, check it in the morning." "What the hell...?" she asked, holding on to her phone. "I want to check my messages now, what is your problem? Are you still that drunk?" I shook my head. "No, I just ... okay, let me tell you before you see it online." She gasped. "What happened?" "Please, hear it from me." "No, you'll just sugarcoat me again." "I swear I won't." She put her phone down and took a deep breath, looking up at me. "What is it?"

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