IX | dragons

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It was a rather large boy, sporting a Gryffindor tie and his face had been stuck in a book labelled 'Dragons, Dragons and Dragons'.


I groaned and sputtered as I smacked my face down harshly on top of the dusty table. I had been researching nonstop for several days through my free time for anything about the Chamber of Secrets. Between extremely piling up homework and tiring classes, I still found absolutely nothing useful.

The only thing I could truly remember was that there was some sort of beast dwelling inside the chamber that would kill any muggleborn it could find. And as the most obvious clue, Tom Riddle was current and only living the Heir of Salazar Slytherin.

I supposed that in this time, most people continue to think of it to be a myth, just as they once did back when I was in my second year. I wasn't sure if the Chamber was to be opened this year for certain, as Dumbledore had certainly not mentioned it in his very rushed explanation. Doing so would have been extremely helpful. I still find no relief from him for he didn't help with much so far.

I listened to the faint scratching of quills around the library as I squinted my eyes at the beam of sunlight that suddenly hit me right in the face. I lifted my head heavily off the table and took the unchanged time turner out of my vest, turning it around in my fingers and examining it closely. I cupped it in my hands as if to hide it from other student's views.

I had always wanted a time turner of my own. Ever since Hermione had spilled the information to me about Professor McGonagall giving her one to be able to attend all her many classes in third year.

I would admit I was jealous at the time but I knew that since I had lost even the largest of things, like my wand, so easily, I shouldn't be trusted with an extremely powerful time turner if I had had the chance.

Now here I was. Stuck in a different time on a 'mission' to stop the cruelest Dark Lord of all time while wearing a time turner around my neck as if it were something I had bought at a muggle jewelry shop.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I now noticed the cursive writing on the surrounding rings of the object. Of course, I had noticed it before, but now I really had the time and space for thoughts to read it properly through.

'I mark the hours, every one.

Nor have I yet outrun the sun.

My use and value into you.

Are gauged by what you have to do.'

As I read and reread the small words on the golden bars, my brain swarmed with millions of questions. But if I had to do something like this, how would I even do it? What was I even going to do here? Follow the Dark Lord around like a stalker? Creep him to goodness? To death..

I don't want to have to make that a considerable option. Voldemort had done many terrible things but not Tom Riddle, not yet.

A small yet surprisingly deep voice piped up from inside the depths of the library, causing me to quickly slip the small time turner back under my vested sweater.

"The Goblet o' Fire! Of course!" The voice yelled once more and I pursed my lips.

The Goblet of Fire? They were holding the Tri-Wizard tournament this year as well? Just the thought of crowded activities began to give me a headache. I decided to get up and find the student who had shouted aloud to ask about the tournament, since I wouldn't want to look like an idiot.

Usually, students don't find out the tournament is being held until the Headmaster addresses it on the first feast of the year. But since I had missed the first feast this year, maybe it had already been informed of? And perhaps Myrtle had just forgotten to tell me. Forgotten or chosen. She still didn't seem to trust me very much, despite taking a liking.

I quickly passed by students, who were writing quickly on their parchments, until I found the librarian scolding someone behind a large stack of books, all that seemed to be about dragons.

"Honestly Rubeus, what have I told you about volume control in the library?" The older looking lady argued, crossing her arms, "I'll need to give you a detention this time,"

"Er, I'm sorry miss. Won't happen er'gan, I promise," The boy moped as the librarian walked off in a huff.

I waited until she was fully gone behind the shelves before tilting my head to look behind the pile of books. It was a rather large boy, sporting a Gryffindor tie and his face had been stuck in a book labelled 'Dragons, Dragons and Dragons'.

With a smile, I sat down in the empty seat across from him and moved the pile of books to the side so I could speak to him face to face. He noticed this attempt, looking up curiously with a pair of kind brown eyes that I could notice anywhere.


A smile was brought to his face nervously and I caught him catching glimpses at my Slytherin patched robes, "'ello, can I help yuh?"

I fiddled with my fingers nervously, "Yes actually, I- er- I happened to hear you speaking about the Goblet of Fire?"

He blushed slightly, "Oh-uh, I'm really sorry if I disturbed yeh. I try not teh be so loud-"

"Oh, no no, It's fine. You see, I just transferred a while ago and I don't really know if the tournament is being held this year or not..."

He blinked twice before hastily shoving as many dragon books as he could into his bag and turning back to me, "Oh, yeah. It's being held this year and Headmaster's going to hold a greeting ceremony for the guest schools this night for a ma'er of fact,"

I blinked, "Oh, how fortunate."

"Erm, well, yeah,"

My lip twitched a smile at the boy's nervousness, he didn't really resemble Hagrid in making friends as much as I had thought he would. I pinned the blame on the glowering snake imprinted on my robes.

I started flattening my ponytail down over the crest awkwardly.

Hagrid began to get up and I followed his gesture and stuck out my hand for him, ignoring the enormous height difference, "My name's Daniela Astra."

He looked down at my hand but didn't grab it, eyes faultering over to his book bag, "I know who ye are, yer that Slytherin transfer girl with Riddle."

I frowned slightly, what did it matter that I was a Slytherin? In my time, they were a bit unliked, yes, but not very much feared. Draco Malfoy's sneering face appeared in my head, proving my thought's case.

It was also a bit odd to link me with Tom, as we really hadn't encountered each other too many times yet, thankfully.

"Er, yeah. That's me," I did a little awkward hands wave towards myself that made him look even more so uncomfortable.

"I'm Rubeus Hagrid, as ye already know," He shoved a book about dragons into my hand gently, "Here, it's a good read, really."

As I was about to thank him, he rushed out of the library and left me alone with nothing but a dragon book, some stares and an awkward silence.

I moved back to where I had been sitting before, ignoring the looks of other students, as I shoved the book into my bag and swung it over my shoulder.

The thought of rewatching the tournament but with different champions was something exciting. Perhaps a small thing that I could use to keep my mind off most other things.

I knew that ignoring Tom wasn't going to help me. I had to befriend him and to do that, I needed to speak with him. Also, with the tournament,....perhaps if he were to enter, I could assist him? That could bring us even closer.

And that was exactly what I promised to myself that I was going to do next.


word count: 1386 - edited 2022

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