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Tom Riddle had finally placed his book down, his shallow eyes glinting darkly as the goblet's fire reflected into them.


I bit my lip as I walked into the Great Hall.

No one except a few still disappointed Slytherins caught attention by me as I hustled past the four tables to get to Ravenclaw, where I sat down in my usual seat across from Myrtle. The Hall had been intricately decorated for the arrival of their guests with streamers and banners that signified the four Hogwarts houses, billowing above the tables by quick magic.

There had also been an extension of extra seats at the high table as well as the four house tables. I could only guess that it was for the other school's students and staff.

I had also noticed that Headmaster Dipper did not exactly look too excited for the welcoming of the other Headmasters. In fact, he looked especially paler than the last time I saw him. I tried to think of why but couldn't, maybe it wasn't really them he was thinking of. Maybe Tom had approached him again about the restricted section. No, he wasn't that reckless to try again so soon.

Myrtle looked up from her current book, 'Ministry Of Magic', which looked older than Dippet himself, with a smile. I gave one in return, looking to the empty chalices and plates with a hint of hungry disappointment. Being stuck in the library for hours on end with no leads definitely had its drawbacks. I could still smell the dusty aroma from the room coming from my hair.

"Are we waiting for something?" I asked, tapping my finger on the wooden table in a rhythmic manner. I was trying to give myself a low profile.

Myrtle nodded, gazing back to her book, "Yes. Headmaster Dippet is going to introduce the visiting schools for the Tri-Wizard Tournament-" She put her book away into her bag quickly and gaped at me, "Oh yes! I forgot to tell you, the Tri Wizard Tournament is being held this year at Hogwarts, it's been centuries since it last was held, too many death counts and all,"

"Yeah, I figured that one out actually. Hag- Ruebus told me,"

Myrtle scowled slightly, "You're talking to that boy? He's an odd one, isn't he? Quite large too, probably half beast or something. Always causes trouble with them too. Beasts that is."

I shrugged, my eyes trailing to the high table where Headmaster Dippet was talking with a much younger looking Dumbledore, his hair now more auburn than gray. He was currently teaching for Transfiguration, "I suppose so....he seemed a bit scared of me though. It was extremely odd,"

Myrtle looked away, poking at her fork and staring intensely into her chalice.

I frowned,"What?"

"Well... er, it may just be because you're in Slytherin." She looked away again, as if she had said something really insulting. Which maybe she had. Intentionally at least.

I let my frown deepen, "So?"

Myrtle cleared her throat, "So...people may think a bit lowly of you. And I don't mean I think that way, because I don't really-"

I blew out a low breath, placing my chin on my palm, "That's fine. Let them think what they want. It's not like you can convince them otherwise."

She smiled cautiously as she retrieved her book again, placing her consciousness back into it, satisfied by my response. I stared off to the rest of the Great Hall, looking to the Slytherin table first and, unsurprisingly, finding Tom sitting very much alone at the end once more.

His dark eyes seemed almost distant and his hair was slightly out of place as he continued reading his book. Even though he covered the title, I still had a feeling about what genre he was reading. His pale face glimmered softly in the Great Hall's tourched light and I barely noticed the dark bags under his eyes.

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