IV | roosters

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I sighed, letting my fingers graze the many assorted books on the shelves.


I made my way back up the corridors with a hint of a smile on my face and in Slytherin uniform. The green and black house colours were admittedly cooling and aesthetic compared to my tone colours, a bit like the blues and blacks of Raveclaw. And in my opinion, I found that both houses are more similar in other ways than just that.

I had just dropped off my belongings in a random empty room in the Slytherin common room. And because it was in the dungeons, it made it even colder than it was in the corridors this time in the late September breezes. I shivered at the thought of the snow that would arrive just months later.

Perhaps that was why I didn't find anyone down there? But it wouldn't be the cold, weren't snakes cold-blooded or something? I don't really remember Muggle school since I didn't pay attention, hoping that on my 11th, I would get a letter just like my mother had.

I had just assumed they were in the library studying or in a class since the time of the day was late noon. I just thought that I could introduce myself later and find a good book to read in the meantime. I was never very good at introductions or people in general anyways.

A small laugh escaped my lips, I was still a Ravenclaw stereotype at heart, wasn't I?

Even though I had already been to the library, in my time at least, the magnificent place still earned a wondered gasp from me every visit. The room stretched widely, only being able to guess that it held every kind of book you could ever imagine, well, except for the Muggle kind. I had read a Muggle books many times and they were just as unique and illustrative in the kindest regards and perspective.

Me and my sometimes friend, Hermione Granger, would always hang out at the library together, either studying or just reading with our backs together and our noses stuck in a good novel (most of the time, Hogwarts: A History).

I sighed, letting my fingers graze the many assorted books on the shelves, feeling already homesick as they all felt identical rough, and old. Taking a breath in, I hacked slightly at the immediate inhale of heavy dust.

I then plopped down on a cushioned chair with one final cough. I missed my friends so incredibly much and it hadn't even been a couple hours yet. Even dumbfounded Jason with his mouth full of spaghetti and touchy, insensitive insults. The loneliness felt incredibly strong especially since I hadn't actually met anyone other than Tom Riddle and Headmaster Dippet. I felt as if I had no one to talk to other than myself and admittedly, it was quite boring and would certainly not attract any more real people to talk with. But, as I had spent years like that in my Muggle school, I could manage, still getting the same awaiting feeling.

My eyes trailed to the random book I had plucked off the shelf while I had been wandering around.

'Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them- By Newt Scamander'

A smile crept across my face as I recognized it, my all-time favourite in my opinion.

"You like that book too?"

I popped my head up to face a small girl with two large chocolate brown eyes, pigtails and a pair of large circular glasses.

I barely managed to hold back a gasp as I realized who this was, it was none other than Moaning Myrtle who haunted the girl's restroom! I had sparked a good enough friendship with the wailing girl for her not to use the toilets when I was using them in her first five years, maybe I could befriend the living one just as well?

"Oh absolutely, it's one of my preferred favourites," I replied with a welcoming smile, motioning towards the empty spot on the chair next to me.

"B-but you're a Slytherin and I'm a-a- muggleborn and I bet you think my glasses are really big and ugly too," She moaned quietly, picking at the ends of her nails and eyeing the shining snake patch on my robes. It seemed to be really intimidating to her, just as I had been intimidated by Tom's. This era seems to be truly run by the Slytherins, how odd.

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