Chapter 6

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A few days later found me sitting on the edge of a cliff in my human holoform. After that little incident with Megatron I was soon taught ways on how to improve my fighting skills and also learn how to activate the holoforms.

Pretty neat. I giggled a bit then stared down at my hands and sighed. As cool as it is being a cybertronian, I still kinda miss being a human. It was fun and all but after getting turned options were limited for my new life. It was either fight or stay at base now because the autobots would be on my tail if they saw me in public...Literally.

I slammed my head down into my knees and sighed loudly. This is boring.  I hummed, peeking my head up and looking out over the forrest, perhaps a run could kill the time.

I grinned, jumping up an turning to look at my crybertronian cat form. My holoform disintegrated and left me with a weird feeling before I was looking through the eyes of a mechanical beast. I shook and stared down at my paws then walked to look over the cliff with a creepy cat grin.

Cheshire smile. I snorted at my thoughts then took off to the edge of the hil- WAIT!

I immediately stopped my run and narrowed my eyes for a second before turning and walking towards the door. Since when did I ever run for fun?

I yawned then switched back into my Bi-pedal mode, stretching my arms above my head, my ears and tail flicking to the noise of my gears popping...or whatever. I looked around the pretty empty hall way and started a journey down to my favorite place.


A few minutes of walking and I found myself outside the familiar sliding grey doors with a giant happy grin.

I'll give my megsy a su-

When the doors opened I almost felt my heart drop. There was douche-Star holding his Dumb-Rays towards my Megsy about to shoot my unaware sleeping baby! I growled and charged up behind the slightly taller Jet and bashed the back of his head with my fist.

He screeched and fell on the floor, I looked over and saw Megatron jump up in surprise then stare over at us holding a sword. When did he take out his swor-

"OH MEGATRON, Look what your little mate did! I came in here to simply tell you some news and she walks in attacking me!" Starscream whined while dramatically laying a hand over his face. I glared down at him and I saw a tiny ghost of a smirk, surely Megsy wouldn't believe that right?

"Lillian.." I gulped at that tone and turned to look Megatron in the optics. Did he really believe that bolts for brains?! "Is this true?" He raised a brow.

"WHAT?! No! Can't you see he's lying he had his GUNS OUT FO-" I stared down and noticed they weren't there anymore..he was just smirking at me while running a hand over his arm. I let my mouth drop then stared back at Megatron who looked pretty annoyed.
"M-Megatron! You ca-He was trying to KILL YOU!" I practically screamed and he stood up as I mumble-yelled to myself.

I felt a giant hand on my neck then my world turned upside down. Did he?! HE PUT ME OVER HIS SHOULDER!

I started pounding on his back then gave up when I figured out I enjoyed being close to him atleast...That was until he said his next words. "Starscream go be un-useful somewhere else, Lillian and I need to have a talk." He growled and Starscream was practically tripping over his own feet to get out of the room.

Once he left the air got tense an Megatron walked back to his thrown, sitting down while placing me in his lap. All I could hear were the breaths he took and the pulsing of energon in my audio receptors.

"...Megsy?" He chuckled and pulled me into his arms while kissing my forehead. "Really Lillian? In what world has Starscream ever been helpful?" He kissed my forehead.


"...You aren't mad?" I whispered and he frowned at me. "Lillian he was in the room while my old self was dozing, thats never a good sign..And it was quite the sight to wake up to, him on floor with a dented helmet." I snorted and he grinned even more. "This old bot can mess around to."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled the side of his helmet whispering "You finally admitted your old."


SORRY GUYS I BEEN GONE SO LONG! I didn't have great motivation, so continuing this story was difficult ;-; Im trying my hardest I swear, for now enjoy.

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