Chapter 10

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First I would like to apologize for that 2 month delay. I had to be somewhere for that span of time, due to unfortunate events, but Im back now and having a terrible time figuring out how to continue this story and the other one also. Anyways heres a chapter for you! ♡

It was 2 am by the time I found myself out in the forest. The one by the exact same old tree, I smiled sadly and placed my hand on it. My metal hand.

You're different now. You're better. You're not like who you we-

"Lillian?" I turned my head a little to the side at the new voice, Megatron, I smiled. "Hello.." I whispered.

"..What are you doing out so early?" He questioned and stepped forward to were I was sitting. I saw him look up at the tree and smile, just a little of that rare smile I only got to witness. I looked back at the tree and bit my lip. I normally come here now every often when things start bothering me. Its calming.

"I'm just collecting my thoughts is all." I said and felt him sit down next to me, his joints creaked a bit in old age. Another sad smile appeared on my face and a question burned at the top of my head. "Megatron?"

He gave a grunt in acknowledgement to let me know I heard him. "How long do we have?" That made him turn his head. "What do you mean?"

I looked up at the dark star filled sky and then back at him "Humans. Humans only have the span of 100 years if not a tiny bit longer..How long do cybertronians get..?" I whispered, I looked down towards the giant hand resting on the grass, supporting the titan of a robot.

"We live long. Your death depends on your skills, your power, your strength..I am older than many bots here." He said in a voice that held years of some type of wisdom. Another question popped up. "Just how old are you?" he simply chuckled. I didnt get more than that as a comfortable silence bloomed between us.

Its funny, I was a simple girl. Human girl. Who thought life was just a big adventure, I thought only the best out of it. My image for it changed after the night it got taken away from me. Dark thoughts plauged my mind, years of torture came back like neon signs in my head any moment I could try to think of a better way about it. It hurt me, it consumed, it controlled me.

And then, I escaped, I was free and finally far away only to come across the love of my life 5 days later. At first I thought it to be just the same scenerio all over again, that I would never truely be free, until he showed me it wasnt that at all. And now, I possibly have a longer journey ahead of me.

A mechanic cough disrupted my thoughts.

I looked over to see two ruby red eyes shining bright in the night. I couldnt tear my eyes away even if I wanted to, even after all these years I still find it fascinating I could fall in love with a tyrant who once thought love was a pathetic emotion to hold on to.

What if he still does? Could this love just be a joke to him?

No. He wouldnt even humor the thought of a relationship if it meant nothing to him.

You could just be his new test. Maybe hes just curious. He'll get bored of you Lillian.

Well I'm getting tired of you.

"You're doing it again." I looked up at his face that was now centimeters from mine. I bore a confused expression as to the statement he just spoke. Doing what?


"You always gain a look in your eyes that suggests you're in your own world when you think to hard. Admittedly it is quite endearing, but given recent activities; concerning." I looked down at his hand again and gripped it gently, squeezing it.

"You love me..right?" He opened his mouth, eyes narrowed at such the thought of me questioning it, but I cut him off. "Im not just some test? I wont be just some toy that you'll get bored of as the years go on?"

There was a long silence that ate away at my self conscious, but before I could back away and possibly flee, he grabbed my face between both of his large hands and pulled me into a long passionate kiss. I eagerly responded, and after what felt like hours he pulled away, his optics flashed in the darkness of the night..Or err, morning however you want to put it. He pecked my forehead and brought me closer, leaning me into his side and perfectly under his arm.

"Lillian..You mean everything to this old bot."

"...So you admit it."


"You are old!"

He pushed me away groaning.

Megatrons MateWhere stories live. Discover now