Chapter 8

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Loud footsteps clanged around the metal of the room. They seemed lost, trying to find something.

I stopped and quietly looked around, scared and alert, trying to listen in again when the footsteps suddenly got louder.


They stopped. My ears drew back, practically glued to my head, and the fur on my tail puffed up a little. I tensed and slowly turned my head, looking out of the corner of my optics. I caught a flash of bright blue and blandly ran forward, spark pounding in my chest plates. The footsteps then continued to pound loudly as I took sharp turns, barely avoiding corner walls with my clumsy footing.

That's when a hand grabbed my tail. I cried out at the pain that shot up my back and face planted onto the cold floor. I stayed there when the footsteps slowly walked around my form and up to my face then stop. I squinted in the dark..noticing the blue becoming very visible. My spark felt like it was in my throat.


My optics went wide. I knew that voice! Except..It sounded different, twisted even. The owner of that voice suddenly dropped down to become face to face as he kneeled. I recognized the blue helmet and cyan shining optics...Optimus. He smiled unnervingly, showing off fangs.

I screamed.


I shot up in the bed releasing an ear piercing scream then suddenly stopped as I took in my surroundings. My quarters, the stupid pictures I drew for Megatron still hung on the wall from when I was still human. The large blanket was still over the bottom half of my frame. The gray arm still wrapped around my waist and the bright red optics staring at me in worry. Yep, everything was okay, it was just a dream. I stopped.

Wait..Red optics?

I quickly looked over and noticed Megatron had sat up a little staring at me in concern and confusion. "Are you alright, Lillian?" He whispered. His voice was raspy and deep, still laced with sleep from just being woken up. I was still with Megatron. Optimus wasn't here.

I giggled and laid back down, curling into his side. "Of course I am silly." I whispered and I guess he took that as a good enough answer because he laid back down also and curled his arms right around me then drifted back off to sleep again. My smile wavered a bit before I rested into a frown..Something didn't feel right but I closed my optics and set off to dreamland again anyway.


The sounds of loud clanging footsteps were what startled me awake, but what scared me even more was that Starscream's was poised right over mine. So whats the first thing I do? Punch him in the jaw of course.

"AGH!" He screamed and stumbled backwards, rubbing at his jaw. I panicked and flew off the bed to grab his face, which I had to reach up considering he's about over a head taller then me, and tilted it down to check his jaw. Nothing damaged besides his pride, I smiled then paused, swinging another fist forward to punch him right in the chest.

"OW! W-WOULD YOU QUIT THAT?!" He screeched and backed away glaring. I glared just as hard. "What the heck are you doing here!? And why were you watching me sleep!?" I shouted at him, ears going back. He rolled his optics but stayed alert to my flying fists. "Oh please, don't flatter yourself. Megatron sent me here to come get your pathetic self..I feel as though he set me up." He murmured the last bit to himself as he walked out of the room. I blinked in confusion before deflating a little.

Pathetic Lillian.

The voice in my head whispered and I shook it before stomping out of the room with my arms crossed while grumbling. It was 5am according to the clock set in my system. I just wanted to go back to sleep considering I wasn't built as a war machine, but turned into one from being a human, I was still dedicated to sleeping in late.

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