Receiving the Uniform and Sword

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I decided to surprise my grandpa, so I went to the store to buy something

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I decided to surprise my grandpa, so I went to the store to buy something. People were staring at me, surprised at how beat up I was. But I ignored them. Kuro decided to stay by my side until I got home. I went to a store so I could buy some onigiri and a stick for grandpa to use. He was getting old and he needed some support every now and then. After buying it, I started to walk home.

Jigoro POV

I was waiting for Kimiko to come home. I was counting down the hours, nervous as hell.

What if she didn't make it? No, no I knew this was a bad idea! I shouldn't have let her train this early on. I thought.

I sat on the stairs of my little house. Praying that she made it. Hours passed and I was a crow. Not mine, coming over to me.

Is this the master's crow telling me Kimiko did not make it! I thought in despair. But then I saw a young beat-up figure running alongside the crow.

"NO FAIR KURO! YOU CAN FLY!" said the girl.


Kuwajima? Kuro? DOES THAT MEAN-

"GRANDPA! I DID IT! I PASSED!" Kimiko said as she ran over to me and I ran and hugged her tightly.

"YOU DID IT! GOOD JOB KIMIKO! I AM SO PROUD!" I said as I cried onto Kimiko's shoulders.

"Anyway grandpa, you might be wondering why I took so long, and that's because I bought some onigiri and a walking cane thing since you're growing old," she said.

"I AM NOT THAT OLD" I replied joking around.

"Yep you are :P" she said.

I smiled. I was just so grateful that the last person in my family came out alive. Even after I am gone... I would like for her to live a long happy life.

"Anyway grandpa, this is my crow, his name is Kuro," she said proudly.

"Oh, but why Kuro?" I asked curiously.

"Because he's black, and black in Japanese is Kuro," she replied happily. (Sorry, not trying to be racist)

"Ah, I see. Good name," I replied.

We walked into my little house and Kimiko was super excited to go off and battle demons. Though I was getting a little anxious. We ate our onigiris and talked for a while. After the day ended we decided to go to bed.

Your POV

3 days have passed, and I was waiting for my swordsmith. He sure was taking his dear sweet time. I sat on the stairs in front of my grandpa's little house as I waited for him to come. I doubted though. So I closed my eyes, partially falling asleep waiting for him.

"OI WAKE UP," said a random man with a weird tengu mask.

"Who are you?" I asked curiously.

"I AM YOUR SWORDSMITH! I AM MAKOKI!" he said loudly.

"Oh, cool, I have been waiting for you, come in" I started, "Be quiet though, my grandpa is taking a nap."

I said as I pointed at the room my grandfather was sleeping in. He nodded vigorously.

"Okay, here is your sword. Hold it, and it will change color" said Makoki.

I held it anxiously. The sword turned yellow.

"Yellow! Damn it, I was hoping it would turn red :(" he said sadly.

"I mean getting yellow would make the most sense since I use thunder breathing. Grandpa has a yellow sword too, so I'm okay with it" I replied.

"Ugh whatever, anyway this is your uniform"

"Thank you, since you traveled all the way here, would you like some onigiri and some tea?" I asked.

Grandpa has always taught me to be kind to anyone I meet, even if it was Uppermoon 1 himself. Though the only exception was Muzan...

"OH SURE!" he said. He looked pretty exhausted anyway.

I nodded and headed to the kitchen we had. I got ready for the leftover onigiri we had, and I made some tea. I made some extra in case grandpa wanted some. After 5 minutes, I handed Makoki the food and tea.

"Thank you!" He said.

I sat down across from him, smiling friendly. He turned around to eat his food. I don't think he wanted me to see his face. My grandpa woke up after 3 minutes and saw a swordsmith. He could tell by the mask. If it wasn't a swordsmith, he would have probably attacked.

"So, Kimiko is this your swordsmith," he said as I sat down beside him.

" Yep! And grandpa, guess what my sword turned yellow, like yours!"

"Great!" he said.

"Can I have some tea too?" he asked.

"Of course," I replied.

The swordsmith and my grandpa talked to each other for a while, and it stopped when I heard Kuro flying toward me.


I smiled.

Finally my first mission! I got up and looked at the 2 men with a confident smile.

"Time to slay some demons," I said. 

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