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  • Dedicated to Clara

"PLEASE!  NO!"  The yellds erupted from the woman's lips.  My mother.  Her screams were painful, they made tears come to my eyes, my chest form a pit of sorrow.

"SHE'S MY BABY!"  Tears rolled down my mother's cheeks like waterfalls.  They fell onto her neck and smudged her eyeliner.  The woman in dark shades snapped and a couple of large, muscled men pulled her away.

The woman took the baby.  I knew it was me.  It had matching turquoise eyes, a bit of curly brown hair atop her head.  Not to forget the fair olive skin which burned every time I went out into the sun. 

I watched as the baby cried louder than her mother.  My mother.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I forced myself to wake.

"Brat!"  Yelled a man in a sleek white coat and nerdy 80's Grandpa glasses.  He whipped my shoulder from outside of the cage they kept me in, like I was some kind of animal.  I winced in pain and brought my swollen, scarred hands to my burning shoulder.

"Stop screaming and get back to sleep!"  The man yelled then left the dark room, bringing his flashlight with him.

I brushed a few tears from my eyes and sighed.

"Are you alright?"  someone asked from the corner of the other cage.  I looked over.  It was Isis, the mutant with lungs on the outside of her body and most of her other internal organs.

I shook my head.

"No."  Was all I said, still rubbing my pounding shoulder.

"You dreaming of your parents again?"  isis asked, her sad eyes were squinted so she could try to see me. 

"Yes.  It happens every night Isis.  I get whipped then go back to sleep.  We wake up again to another day of testing and mutations."  It was the longest thing I'd said in a while.  Isis nodded in understanding.  She took a deep breath, the lungs on the outside of her blowing up and deflating.  I had to look away, but felt incredibley bad.  It wasn't her fault that her parents gave her up to be tested on.  It was no one's.

My story was simple.  I was taken away by the government to be tested on.  From what I'd heard from the side conversation of the other Scientists was supposed to be able to be a superhero.  I was the hope for a whole new species.  I had no results though, nothing.  But they kept me, tortured me and tested me for 14 years of my life.

I was just a test subject.  The other experiments called me Ara,, but to the Scientists, I was known as Experiment A30h.

I was a freak.

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