The Lab.

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  • Dedicated to Sarah {pitufina}

One of the guards locked the cuffs around my wrists and ankles and took the ragged chains in his gloved hand.  I scanned the small crowd of experiments for Isis, my only other true friend.  She was no where in sight, so I figured she was in the back.

Isis was quite the Charismatic character.  I was just 4 and she a mere 6 when she arrived.  I'm not sure what day it was, since I hadn't been in the outside world really ever.  Except for the memory of when they took me away, but everything was blurry except for what was happening.

"Come on, Lab rat."  My 'escort' grumbled through crooked teeth as he dragged me out of the room.  The brightness of the hall was blinding.  I had to squint and Even that wasn't enough.

"Oh, please follow me!"  Said a Female Scientist with mad-scientist red hair that stuck out in all directions.  I managed to make out what her nametag said.

Ms. Ida Margaret Weidanbach.

Head of Superhuman Studies

Under the words was a picture of her with the same crazy hair but a younger looking face.  I was glad the Scientists had taught us to read, they had actually hired blind tutors.  My favorite was Effie.  She wore Chanel sunglasses and had long blond hair to the small of her back.  She had understood me, even though I could never tell her I was actually a test subject.  My cover-up was amentally insane girl with learning disabilities.  Luckily, she understood what it was like to be taken away from her parents as well.  She told me that when she was 10, she began to loose her sight.  At first it had just been a bit blurry, which she and her parents had figured was just from allergies.  In another 6 months, she began to loose complete sight in her left eyes and then when she turned 11 she was fully blind and taken to be studied on by real 'non-illegal' doctors.

Other than Isis, she had called me Ara.  I told her about my dreams, and even could sometimes make out the name 'Arabelle.'  I much prefered Ara though, it meant "coming of rain" which I had never experienced which was a bit ironic. 

"Alright, here we are!"  Ida clasped her hands together, waking me from my memories.  The guards dragged us inside a small metal room with many tables and equipment they had used to make us mutant.  I recognized a scalpel, which Effie had told me doctors used when performing surgery.

They set me down on the first table and quicklyinjected a needle in my shoulder before I could fight back.

"60 seconds."  I heard one of the doctors say to the other who had shoved the painful fluid into my body.

I searched the room, hoping to find Isis before the sleeping serum kicked in, but it took affect quickly and everything went black just as I spotted the doctor holding the scalpel in his hand and a perculiar device in the other.

"Night, lab rat."  The guard's words were the last thing that I heard.

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